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Sadie was currently filming fear street, me being the supportive girlfriend that I am decided to come with her and support her through out filming!
"Alright that's a rap for you Sadie" - I heard one of the producers say
Sadie then walked over to me with a smile spreading on her face once she saw me her smile was so precious it could light up anyone's day.
"Hello love" I said while giving her a slight hug
" Helloo" I heard the red head girl say kinda of muffled since she was leaning on my chest a bit

We didn't wanna leave quite yet since I mean it's a movie set we could practically just roam around and watch everyone else.

" Follow me!" Sadie said as she pulled me and ran to a spot near the trailers.
"Holy shit" I said
The place was amazing it had all sorts of stuff like buttons and paint I guess it was the prop making room or something I don't know
" hello ladies " I heard one of the women who was working on some artifacts.
" You guys wanna do some arts and crafts while your waiting to shoot again or something"
"Sure" me and Sadie said in sync with a slight giggle she made, god was it cute.
We both started looking around the little cubbies of supplies such as buttons, string, yarn, and cotton balls.
" hey Y/N, What if we make cute little ball monsters! pLeasee" She said with a smile that I can never fail to resist.
"Okay" I said I mean I really wasn't gonna say no but it's fun to cutely interact with Sadie like that aha.
We both picked out some stuff and got to making.
We worked very hard on our amazing master
I made a one eyed green looking monster witch looked pretty funky and weird not gonna lie.

When I looked over to Sadie she was peacefully
Making her crazy looking creature. I admired how Beautiful she looked, really it's amazing how you can fall for a person so quickly and how much they really mean to you.
"Alright I'm done! " She said I slowly looked back up at her she was smiling at me with her hands holding her fully blue eyed monster.
" Awww it looks adorable " I said
She laughed and handed it to me
" this is now our child " The dreamy looking girl said
" oh wow, really what are we gonna name them"
I said slightly giggling
" so that part I haven't thought of " She said we both bursted out laughing both trying to contain ourselves
" okay okay aha, what about bob? "she said still trying to catch her breath
" hmm yea I like bob " I said with my hand on my chin smiling at the girl I can officially call my girl friend
" alright bob it is" Sadie said
We both took our silly looking children back outside
" bye ladies! Have a nice evening " said the women that let us in the room.
" Bye! " we both said and walked to the parking lot while saying good bye to everyone.

♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ

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