Holding hands

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Max Mayfield imagine
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It was 10 am and I had been woken up to my alarm clock. It was a Sunday morning and it pretty sunny out.
I had nothing planned so I decided to call my best friend Max. 'Come on pick up' I thought. "Hello?" I heard from the other line. "Hey! Max. Um I was thinking if you maybe wanted to hang out today. We could go watch a movie?" I said nervously. I was still a bit confused on where I stood with my feelings for Max. She was really pretty and anytime we had any sudden contact I'd get butterflies or blush.
"Sure! A movie sounds good." Said Max. "Cool, I'll meet you there. At 3:30?" I said hearing a yes from the phone. I said bye and hung up the phone. I immediately started getting ready.
- Time Skip -
I finished getting ready and headed outside. I hopped on my bike and rode to Max's house.
"Hey" I said watching as Max came down her house steps. "Hey" she said shyly. I smiled at her as we both hopped on our bikes.
After begging Steve to let us sneak into the movies, he finally agreed. We entered the small theater and sat down. Max and I had a small bag of popcorn and skittles that we had bought.
We were watching a scary movie. As we watched I felt my hand slip into Max's hand. I thought that'd be weird for her but she just stayed like that. For some reason I felt a lot of comfort with holding her hand. I then realized that I had a big fat crush on Max Mayfield. We stayed like that for the whole movie, And I never wanted to let go.
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This one was pretty cliche but enjoy this while I write some of your guy's requested story's!

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