Photo booth

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♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ
Sadie and I were currently at the mall shopping.
We bought our stuff and left the store.
Suddenly I heard Sadie gasp " Y/N, can we go to the photo booth please " She asked holding on to my hand.
" I don't see why not " I said looking at her.
We ran towards the booth near the mall stairs we went inside and sat down.
" alright is this how it works" said Sadie pressing a button which did work making the machine start talking. Sadie posed with her hands on her cheeks making a shocked expression. While I kissed Sadies head.
We heard the voice go 1, 2, 3, when it hit three it flashed a light at us taking the photo.
We stopped our current pose to make another.
This time we both put our hands together as a heart, smiling at each other.
We took about a thousand photos. We proceeded to keep on posing. Like both of us kissing each other and making cute poses and one with us hugging each other, us laughing being captured in the photo.
When we were finally done we got our pictures and looked at them.
" aww these turned awesome love " I told Sadie still staring at the photos in front of me.
" we look adorable and hot " I heard the red head say.
Both of us looking at each other we began to laugh getting lots of stares and walked out the mall.
♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ
I think I could've written this better🤨
But this was a scenario I thought of

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