first kiss

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Y/n's POV:
it was 7:25 pm. I was at Sadies house for a sleepover. I was laying on her bed while she picked out a movie to watch.
After what felt like forever we chose Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. I couldn't help but sneak a couple glances at Sadie. I had a huge crush on her since middle school. I smiled at her. The way she put her hair behind her ear when it would get in her way. Or laugh at the most ridiculous things.
She was just perfect. Then I heard the song "O children" by Nick cave. "hey, Y/N let's dance come on" Sadie said excitedly. "wai-what" I said snapping out of my day dream. I stood up with the red headed girl. "put your hands here" she said. I put my hands on her shoulders while she put her arms on my waist. Butterflies feeling my stomach. We started to sway to the music. Just like Harry and Hermione were. It was such a beautiful moment. I started to lean in, when I closed my eyes and felt soft lips on mine. It felt like forever before we both pulled away. "I uh-Ilikeyou" I said blushing. "I know silly" Sadie said leaning in again. It felt so nice. Sadie and I had always loved Harry Potter and what better way to have are first kiss then dancing to are favorite scene.
hello my loves! This is such a random chapter and forgive for not posting for a whole year ;)
lmao, yea I hope you guys like this one I don't really have ideas so if you guys have some I'd gladly try to write them. Yes, I also just watched nwh so still recovering.
Angelica Sink <333

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