kiss cam

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♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ
Sadie had recently got invited to a basketball game for a event. Witch she decided to bring me along.
When we got there we sat down and waited for the whole stadium to fill up with people.
" I'm glad you could come with me love " Sadie said with a smile trying to start up a conversation
" no problem darling! " I said giggling giving her a slight peck on the cheek
The court started to fill up and we settled into our seats. Still holding onto Sadies hand fidgeting with each other's rings and fingers.
The game went for about 30 more minutes until there was a small break time for the players.
The people who worked there ended up giving the crowd a couple fun challenges to keep them entertained in the mean time. One ended up being the " kiss cam " The kiss cam is a social pastime that takes place during arena, stadium, or court. Of course they knew Sadie was here so they put her on the camera but they ended up seeing me.
" looks like we've got a couple in the crowd! " they said
I smiled while blushing. Looking at Sadie we were officially on the screen. We look at each other and laughed leaning in to each other.
Our lips slowly connecting like every other passionate kiss. It was amazing just melting into the kiss being crazy in love, and getting butterflies all the time knowing you're crazy in love with the girl right in front of you.
We pulled away slowly and smiled.
Almost the whole crowd cheering Besides all the loud yelling and cheers All I could hear and see was Sadie the Sadie Sink the girl I was so madly in love with she was everything I ever wanted.

♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ

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