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Sadie Sink imagine ( your a youtuber in this )
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"hey Sadie." I said turning the camera to her. "Wanna bake some cookies with me?" I said walking inside out shared bedroom. "Sure, love." Sadie said getting up and walking out the room as she gave me a quick kiss.
"Alright, hello everyone! Today I am here with my girlfriend Sadie." I said motioning my hands towards her. "And today we're gonna bake some cookies!" I said excitedly. This was perfect for the winter season. "Welcome to cooking with Sadie bitches." She said taking out a knife from the drawer. "Hey! This is a family friendly channel, love." I said grabbing the knife. "ok. Hopefully we don't burn to house down." I said sighing as I gathered the ingredients. "Your gonna need the cookie mix, eggs, and milk." I said showing the camera all of the supplies. "We'll be back when it's done." I said smiling at the camera as I turned it off. "Okay let's get to making this" I turned to Sadie with excitement as she was already mixing the batter. "This is making my hand hurt" Sadie whined. "Do you need some help?" I asked. "Mhm" Sadie said nodding. I walked to her and switched spots. Now I was mixing the bowl. As I continued Sadie came up behind me and rapped her arms around my waist. "I love you." Sadie said in a sing song voice as she kissed my neck. " I love you too, Sadie." I said as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. "Alright I'm done mixing the batter." I said as I turned around to pick up my camera, and gave another update. "Let's put it in the oven." Sadie said as she opened it and placed the tray inside. "We're gonna have to wait 15 to 20 minutes." I said checking my phone. I placed the camera on the counter and just planned to make this part a montage. "So what are we gonna do for 20 minutes?" I asked. "We could make out. Maybe even have se-."
"Sadie! We're not doing that." I said playfully slapping her and laughed. As I looked back at the camera.
- 20 minutes after -
"Alright everyone our cookies are done!" I said. "Now we're gonna enjoy them and watch a nice cozy movie." Sadie said joyfully.
"Yup. So see you all next time. Bye!" Sadie and I said in sync.
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Honestly this isn't really my favorite imagine I've ever written so I might delete it, but you guys can give me your opinion. :D

Sadie sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now