Skate bored

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♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ
I was currently in Science class. When Mr. Clarke brought my attention by saying there was a "new student. "
We all turned our head to the door to see a red headed girl come in.  She was trying to get to her seat when Mr. Clarke stopped her.
She introduced her self, saying her name was Max. I looked over to the boys Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will all of them giving me a look.
Mentioning that we were just talking about someone named " Mad Max."
As they were all whispering To each other if she was Mad max. I started at her, how pretty she was. I never really knew if I liked girls. I never had any type of affection to boys.
I guess she noticed I was staring which lead me to turn back around. I continued to write with a smile as I thought of talking to the girl later.

- Time skip -
Our class had ended and we were currently watching Max skateboard.
She had dropped a paper in the trash. So the party and I ran to the bin. As we were Looking through it we saw some girls walking by. We didn't want to look weird... so we posed trying to look a little bit normal than usual.
When they left we took the paper out just for it to say "stop spying on me creeps!" We all read in sync.
- Time skip - again..
I was walking near the parking lot since I really didn't feel like going to lunch. When I saw Max skateboarding. So I decided to walk up to her.
"Uh Hi " I told her with a slight smile.
" hi?" She said looking very confused on why I was talking to her. " you skate? "cool " I said trying to start up a conversation.
" yea.." she said picking up her skate board and taking a seat next to me.
" hey! Uh your apart of that party, with those stalkers" she said giggling.
" oh uh yea" I said with a little bit of embarrassment. It was pretty quiet as in this was our first time talking.
" I'm gonna go now." I said getting up
" Wait! " she said grabbing my hand. I blushed as I felt butterflies in my stomach.
" I could teach you how to skate" she said with a smile. "sure" I said still kinda confused.
She smiled and lead me to her bored. Max was still grabbing my hands to try to keep me on the bored. Again, butterflies filling my stomach.
I analyzed as she moved her hands from my shoulders to my waist. From my lack of participation on trying to keep myself on, I ended losing my balance causing Max to catch me. "Uh ha thanks"
I said blushing getting up from her arms and dusting myself off. I stood up and just started at her not in a creepy way!
I saw as she had pretty blue eyes. I kept on slowly moving closer to her. When the bell rang for us to get back.
" oh-uh I have to go" She said with a frown.
" yea, bye" I said kinda disappointed. I waved to the girl in aw hoping to talk again.

♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ
Have a awesome night or day :)
Angelica <3

♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌHave a awesome night or day :) Love, Angelica <3

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