-Max Mayfeild-

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Dating Max Mayfeild would include...

- going on arcade dates ( you both are competitive)
- her teaching you how to skateboard
- laying on a hill and watching the stars at night
- her being very overprotective
- she's comfortable with venting to you about Billy/etc
- she shows you new music she likes
- always laughing at random jokes
- you guys secretly kiss in the school hallways
- sleepovers ( with El )
- she'll call you love and darling
- sharing your ice cream every time you go to the mall
- watching movies together
- she holds your hand when she's worried or scared
- overall a really great girlfriend:)
ok, I know I haven't posted in a
long time but I'm trying to post
whenever I have an idea so if
you guys have requests please tell me!
Sadie Sinks wife <3

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