08 / Picnic /

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" okay now open your eyes" said Sadie smiling taking her hands of my eyes.
" holy shit, this is amazing" I said with a shock face.
I pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you so much! " I said probably squishing the living shit out of her.
" aha, no problem love " she said interwinding
Both of our hands.
We both sat down on the soft blanket and just admired each other. We soon broke into a laugh
" haha, what are you staring at? " she said sarcastically.
" nothing, just my beautiful girlfriend "I said smirking which then turned into a laugh.
Now both me and Sadie were laughing like crazy.
A few minutes later, I started to read my book Harry Potter and The half Blood Prince;
While Sadie was making bracelets. She got the idea from TikTok.
I turned front on my stomach to look at Sadie.
She was smiling at me, witch definitely gave me butterflies.
" how am I so lucky to have a gorgeous girlfriend like you " the smirking red headed girl said.
I looked up at her and had a huge smile on my face, sitting back up on the blanket.
" oh, almost forgot I made you this " Sadie said showing me a bracelet she made me.
" aww, Sadie these are adorable " I said holding them up with a shock.
" do you like them? " she said putting her hand on my shoulder.
" more then anything " I said putting the pretty new bracelets on and looking at them.
I looked at her and we both leaned in for a small but passionate kiss.
Yea, we've kissed before but again it always feels so magical when I'm with her. Like nothing more matters then her.
We both pulled away
" uh aha, we should probably eat now.."
" yea, yea of course " she said laughing
We both started to eat, sandwiches, fruit, and more fruit. Along with looking at the stars. Counting each one of them.

♡︎ ☀︎︎ ❦ ꨄ ఌ

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