Hospital visit pt 2

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You guys wanted a part 2 and majority of you wanted it to be a happy imagine :)
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"Y/n?" I heard a voice say. My eyes went wide as I realized it was Max. "Max, Are you ok?" I asked
Max giggled because of how worried I was of her. "surprisingly I'm okay" she said looking at all the casts on her body. "Do you need anything? I could tell the doctors...or" I was interrupted by my girlfriend. "Y/n all I really need is you" she said smiling as I ranted. "oh ok" I said awkwardly. "how about we go see that movie on Friday like we said, but right after I get all theses casts off my body" she said laughing on how uncomfortable it was for her. All I could say right now was that I was so happy she was okay.
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If only Stranger things v2 ended
like this
anyways enjoy! <3

Sadie sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now