pool day

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Sadie Sinke imagine | requested by @browniesimp ( slight make out session)
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I was currently making two sandwiches and cutting a variety of fruit for my girlfriend Sadie and I. Considering that it was summer we decided to have a relaxing pool day. I continued by putting a couple waters in the cooler. I was startled by Sadie's hands on my waist. "Hey love" Sadie said in a soothing tone. Her voice was so relaxing and was one of the many things I loved about Sadie.
"Hello darling" I said slightly giggling. I finished up the food and stopped, turning my attention to Sadie. We stood there in comfortable silence until Sadie kissed me on the lips. I obviously kissed back as she started to make her way down to my neck. I really wanted her to keep going as I tried to stop myself from moaning. "love, I think we should save this for later." I said smiling at her. She gave me a smirk as I still said we could do this later. "Ok" Sadie said innocently.
- time skip -
Sadie and I were both already changed into our bathing suits. Which my impatient self was already in the water. "You look nice" I said as I looked up at Sadie as she sat at the edge of the pool. "Thank you, and so do you" she said smiling while letting out a small giggle. "Can I see your hand?" I said smiling. "uh sure" Sadie said confused. As I held her hand for a while. I pulled her into the water. There was big splash as I laughed. Sadie came up to the surface and looked at me in shock. "oh you will pay for this y/n." She said laughing. I smiled as she came closer. She kissed me and I started to kiss back. I was now making out with Sadie as I noticed her wet ginger hair shine in the sunlight. We continued for another 10 minutes until Sadie made her way down to my neck.
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This is probably the best writing I've done so far I think. Also this is all your getting people :)

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