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I had currently been laying on my bed coughing all day. I had some music playing on my record player while I tried to get some work done.
I had heard a knock on my bedroom door. "what" I said thinking it was my mom or dad. "Can I come in?" I heard someone say. My face lit up as I jumped from my bed to open it. It was Sadie. I smiled as I leaned in to hug her. Which i them had realized I was still sick. I quickly pulled away awkwardly laughing.         "uh sorry love, I don't wanna get you sick." I said to my girlfriend. "aw, it's okay." "I don't mind getting sick." I just wanna take care of you, know that your okay." Sadie said
I smiled at her as I let her in. I sat on my bed sighing. Sadie had noticed my lack of energy and hugged me. I didn't wanna get her sick but her presence always made me feel better. I cuddled next to Sadie while she brushed my hair with her hands. I felt myself drifting to sleep. My eyes were almost fully closed, when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I smiled as I officially started fell asleep.
- Time skip-
I had woke up to a sleeping Sadie right next to me. I smiled to myself as I kissed her head and tried to get up. "Where are you going?" Sadie wined. "I'm gonna get something to drink, I'll be back"  I said as I kissed her head.

Sadie sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now