A cozy night

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It was a cold day, and Sadie was over at my house. We both spent the whole day doing fun fall activities with each other.
So by the end of the day, both of us were pretty drained. "Can I borrow one of your sweaters?"Sadie said. Already looking through my closet.
"Sure, but didn't you bring one?" I asked sitting down on my bed. "Yea but yours are so cute and comfortable." The red head girl said while putting on a orange and white colored sweater.
( all to well outfit reference )
I watched as Sadie climbed on my bed and sat on top of me. "I miss this." She said sort of muffled. Due to her face being buried in my chest. "Me to." I said kissing her head. Sadie moved up to lay her head on my shoulder. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her. "I'm gonna try to finish this book." I said lifting up my hand to show her the book I had. "Ok, I'll just listen to your relaxing voice." She said tiredly whispering in my ear. God did this girl give me butterflies. Once I finished my book I looked over to see Sadie peacefully asleep. I put my book down and got comfortable under the blanket. Sadie heard me shifting on the bed and cuddled into me. I hugged her waist and whispered a quick "I love you" and went to sleep.
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I should probably be asleep right now but I just had to write a quick chapter for you guys. Sorry if it's bad but my ideas have been lacking lately. Love you all <3

Oh and here your daily dose of Sadie since a lot of you guys want that back :)

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Oh and here your daily dose of Sadie
since a lot of you guys want that back :)

Sadie sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now