Soccer game

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Sadie Sink imagine
requested by @shadow_Scorpiio
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Today was my first ever soccer match and my girlfriend Sadie was coming to see me. I was a little nervous but I knew I'd do okay. I arrived a little earlier to change into my uniform and practice.
It was finally time to start. My team members and I walked out onto the penalty area. It was official. The match had started. The game consisted of the soccer ball being thrown to one another. Sometimes being passed by the foot or by the head. We were at a tie 7 to 7. There was only 10 seconds till the match ended. Someone had to make a score. I ran to the person with the soccer ball and kicked it away. Now was my chance to make the goal. I ran till I was at good distance to hit the ball. I breathed in and kicked the ball. I closed my eyes not wanting to see if I missed or not. I opened my eyes to hear cheers from my teammates. We had won! I jumped up and down with my teammates. All I wanted to do was go hug Sadie. I excused myself from the crowd and ran to my girlfriend. "Sadie!" I said running into her arms. "Hey love!" She said trying to keep her balance as she carried me. "You did amazing out there." She said happily. She placed me back down and kissed me. I was so tired but still kissed back. All the hard work and motivation Sadie had given me paid off and I was so happy. "You look hot in your uniform by the way" whispered Sadie into my ear. I laughed as we proceeded to walk out the venue.
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I actually really like this one. Also I wanna know do you guys like Sadie or Max imagines more? :)

Sadie sink imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now