⤷ european place names

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european place names
( country; origin, meaning )


abbey ( england; hebrew, my Father is joyful )
almada ( portugal; arabic, ore mine )

florence ( italy; latin, prosperous )

geneva ( switzerland; french, juniper tree )
genoa ( italy; ligurian, knee )

lourdes ( france; basque, craggy slope )

malta ( malta; greek, honey )
marbella ( spain; spanish, coastal resort )

odessa ( russia; russian, wrathful )

palma ( spain; latin, palm tree )

ravenna ( italy; italian, raven )
roma ( italy; italian, a roman )

samara ( russia; hebrew/arabic, under God's rule/companion in night conversation )
seville ( spain; spanish, valley )
siena ( italy; italian, reddish brown )
sofia ( bulgaria; greek, wisdom )

valencia ( spain; spanish, brave )
venezia ( italy; italian, blessed )
verona ( italy; italian, truth )
vienna ( austria; latin, forest stream )


brunn ( germany; german, well )

camden ( england; scottish, winding valley )

dover ( england; english, port )

glasgow ( scotland; brittonic, grey-green/grey-blue )

lucca ( italy; italian, from lucania )
lyon ( france; french, lion )

montgomery ( france; norman, man power )

oslo ( norway; norwegian, meadow beneath the ridge )

palermo ( italy; italian/jewish, wide gulf )
porto ( portugal; portuguese, harbor )

rome ( italy; hebrew, strong )

tempe ( greece; greek, vale )
thane ( scotland; scottish, clan chieftain )


berlin ( germany; german, borderline )
bristol ( england; english, meeting place by the bridge )

chelsea ( england; english, chalk landing place )

devon ( england; english, deep valley dweller )
dublin ( ireland; irish, dark )

edin ( scotland; manx, rich friend )

galway ( ireland; irish, stony river )

kensington ( england; english, town of cynsige's people )

london ( england; english, navigable from the great river )

macon ( france; french, marsh dweller )
milan ( italy; slavic, gracious )

paris ( france; french, from paris )

rhodes ( greece; english, from a woodland )

sutton ( england; english, from sutton )

venice ( italy; latin, blessed )

wells ( england; norman, wellman )
wels ( austria; german, from wels )

york ( england; english, from the yew estate )

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