Chapter 19.) Pick Ya' Poison

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"You figure out when you want to do it?" Yae'Shawn asked Reign as they got dressed. It was 9 a.m. Christmas morning and they were preparing to make their rounds. The first stop would be Yae'Shawn's grandparents house, then Tamir's and Daewon's rental, lastly they would go to Renae's.

"Nope... kinda nervous," she admitted and he chuckled.

"Knowing how your whole family is... I'm nervous too," he said and they shared a laugh.

"Maybe we should wait?" She queried.

Yae'Shawn smirked, "It's up to you, Des."

Reign took a deep breath then huffed, "I want to."

"Fine with me," he shrugged, picking up his phone and keys.

"Secret Santa... how are wi doing dis for di group?" She asked, following him out of the room.

"The gifts we bought, we'll just write up random numbers to place inside a bowl and take turns picking. Whoever doesn't like what they choose can switch," he explained and she nodded.

This was the first time the Goonies decided to play secret Santa, but instead of having a set person to buy things for, they all agreed to buy a couple of things that each other may like. From there, they'll write down numbers, place them inside a bowl and take turns picking a number.

"Hopefully mi stuff is good," she said.

"For men?" He quirked a curious brow and she nodded.

"Hard fi tell wah yuh all like... always switching," she laughed.

"You got it confused with you and your sister."

Reign smirked, "We're women," she defended.

"Point proven," he gave her a look and she laughed walking ahead of him.

"If mi was dis confusing yuh nuh married mi, eh?"

"Still debating on that part," he joked then laughed when she hit him.

"Nah, I'm playing," he pulled her in for a hug, "You know I love you."

"Mm-hmm," she smiled, grabbing her coat. "Yuh tink they'll ave food ready?"

Yae'Shawn tilted his head and squinted, making her laugh. "Will the food be ready? Woman," he chuckled, opening the door. "Gone."

Laughing, Reign headed out into the brisk air. They didn't get a white Christmas this year but she expected the snow to come a little later, normally that's how it was. . .

"Why are you sitting over here looking as if your dog just died?" Assyria asked Kairo as she joined him in the living room.

"You wouldn't understand," he sighed, staring at his phone.

Kelly still had returned his calls nor has she responded to any of his twenty-plus messages. Kairo hadn't realized just how exhausted his mind games had her but once he didn't receive a callback or a message, he knew he had fucked up big time. If this was any other person, he wouldn't be sweating it, but this wasn't some random person or Denise or Julia or Tamera. This was Kelly, his sweet Kellz and she was showing him better than telling him that she wasn't going to wait around while he ran around wanting to fuck everything with two legs and an open mouth.

That wasn't like Kelly and she shocked herself for even doing it for this long. Kairo just figured she needed time to cool off and assumed she would talk to him as if nothing ever happened or at least fuss him out, yet he got neither. He played with her heart and lied to her. All she wanted was for him to do right by her or at least try but he just couldn't seem to keep his dick in his pants. He was starting to wonder that maybe his dick couldn't stay hard with Tamera was because he had fallen out of lust with her.

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