Chapter 68.)

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It was Christmas Eve, the sun crept upon the horizon as the small flurries came down. Two weeks ago, after things warmed up, and things went briefly back to normal, snow popped back up on the forecast and for the first time in three years, Virginia was going to see a white Christmas. Lucky found himself awake, deep in his thoughts again as Ava slept peacefully beside him.

Once the snow melted, she went back home and Lucky fell sick. He hated that his heart was craving every moment of her but he also refused to fight it. Of course, he sucked it up because he knew they needed space at times and she had work to do and a business to run but he missed her. For two nights, he forced himself not to call her and that resulted in him staying up for three nights until his body crashed.

He felt as if it was unhealthy for him to feel how he felt but all the corny Christmas movies he found himself watching, he realized his and Ava's relationship was a lot better than those two-week fall-in-love storylines. He busied himself with Delano and antagonized him for the hell of it just to keep his mind off Ava. But the other night, he broke and asked her to come back.

Ava loved Lucky, but she also wanted to still be her own person and not feel as if she couldn't do or go without him. She watched her parents for twenty-one years to know she wanted a love like theirs but she still wanted her individuality. Not to say that her parents relied on one another for general happiness, but it's the bad side of their marriage that made her promise herself that she wouldn't become so lost in a person that she no longer remembered who she was or what she liked doing.

Lucky never pressured her or tried to change her and that's why she never had a problem answering whenever he called or going over when he asked. She knew what they were doing was just as hard for him as it was for her. But she knew it was harder for him because emotions and him didn't get along. But he was growing. Smiling more. Trying things that he used to hate. He was changing before her eyes and that's why she always went to him when he called.

King told her that sometimes it was best for a man to love you just a little more than you loved him and tho Lucky hadn't voiced it, his actions showed it. She knew he loved her. She saw it daily. She also knew that it was scary for him to admit but still, she felt it, and that's what made her root for him.

Even if she loved him as best as she could and things didn't work out, at least she knew that he was willing and capable of receiving and giving love. That's what mattered to her.

It was only seven in the morning and Lucky knew that he had only been asleep for a few hours but he was fine with it. His doubts faded when she returned but his thoughts were present and they were uplifting him.

Carefully, he moved behind Ava and held her in his arms for a few minutes before he decided to get out of bed. Retrieving a pre-rolled blunt from his nightstand, Lucky headed into his bathroom and closed the door. First, he emptied his bladder. Then he smoked. Wanting to jumpstart his day, he cut the shower on and cut on his mini Bluetooth, but was sure to keep the volume low as some old-school Jay Z began playing. Politics as Usual, was the first song to play and Lucky rapped along to the lyrics.

He stayed in the shower for an additional hour and just meditated on his feelings. After taking care of his oral hygiene, he walked through the bedroom, and of course, Ava was still asleep. Finding a simple white tee and sweat pants combo, Lucky headed down to get breakfast started just as his tracphone vibrated.

Recognizing the number, he answered, "Wass' good?"

"Can yuh knock dah nigga off by Christmas?"

"I'ma be busy," Lucky grabbed the carton of eggs and turkey bacon out the fridge.

"Nigga, dah when yuh get yo last payment."

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