Chapter 80.) Signs

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Sorrow comes as a distressing cleanse. It is a chance to detox and reassess what is helping and what is hurting you. You don't realize the good that follows pain or tears until the rain stops. Crying. Grieving. Letting it all out, allows you to make new choices and advise others that you have boundaries, necessities, and vulnerabilities. To love is to be vulnerable. Loving someone and putting your trust in a person, is risky.

You're trusting them with the most vulnerable parts of you. Your heart. Something that you always felt has been ripped out and stomped on. To give someone the most precious and fragile thing is a big deal. Ava felt played. Betrayed in the worst way possible. Everyone encounters heartbreak. Rather it's from a partner, family member, best friend, or pet. There is no preventing heartache. There is no avoiding it. No matter how hard you try.

Our existence is embedded in love because love is the core of everything. As much authority as we have to love each other, we have the same amount of fuel to damage each other, to eradicate one another. That's what Lucky did to Ava. No calls. No texts. Not even a pop up. He was gone. In the wind.

Loving and falling in love with someone can be the best thing in life or the worst mistake. But loving someone and love in itself is not a mistake. Those that aren't ready are to blame. To receive love, you have to give it. But sometimes, those who receive, have no idea how to give. And after pouring your soul, your energy into that person, you begin to feel as if you're the only one that tried.

Love is supposed to be comforting. Joyful. Kind. But lately, it's been hell for Ava. When you love a person, you are leaving the door open for them to either reciprocate or leave you hanging. They can accept your love and give you the same in return, or leave you with nothing but heartache and regret. They can abuse and exploit your love, or make you feel like the crazy person for becoming angry. Tired of not feeling the way that you try to make them feel. Tired of wondering if today will be the day that you finally grow the strength to walk away

Someone's power and capability to love have nothing to do with your capability and ability to love. Heartbreak can come to us in many forms. In this case for Ava, her heartbreak was in the form of Lucky's ghost.

"How she holding up?" Ary asked Renae as they sat outside, sharing a plate of brownies. It was June the 3rd. It's been almost three months since Lucky vanished and the family has done everything that they could think of to soothe Ava's pain, but nothing worked. Oddly, Renae was a bit thankful that Dr. Tia mentioned prescribing Ava some anti-depressants months ago. She hated the idea and would always check on Ava just to make sure she wasn't harming herself.

Everyone was worried. King took the liberty of keeping the pills in their room and had to resort to crushing them up and mixing them with her food and drinks because she refused to take them willingly or own her own. Kairo was trying his best to look at things from Lucky's perspective, but he was angry. Disappointed. He found a friend, a brother in Lucky and he did the one thing he asked him not to do- hurt his sister.

The family had a lot of mixed emotions, but the main person that seemed to understand things from Lucky's view was Renae. But that was expected.

"The twins had to take over her boutique," Renae answered as she placed the mug of tea to her lips and sipped slowly as she admired the garden she had blossoming.

"Dajon said King's usually in the room with her... is he mad?"

Renae nodded then sighed, "He's her father, that's a normal reaction. I just hope he's not out there somewhere killing people to blow off steam."

Ary glanced at her and rose a brow, "Who? Lucky?"

"Yeah..." she placed the mug down and picked up a brownie, "I hate this for her... this is what I was afraid of."

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