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Dear Diary,

Alot of things have changed ever since a month ago. Dramatic changes. Changes that are making me a much better person than i was before. I've been clean for exactly 13 days now. Hunter says he's very proud of me and sprinkles kisses on my ever fading scars every chance he gets. It was very hard at first but Hunter taught me to pick up a marker instead of a razor and draw in place of cutting. I'm much happier than I've ever been in my entire life. A gray cloud no longer hangs over my head waiting to drown me and my sorrows, only the warm rays from the sun and occasional rumbles of thunder.

I've learned not to relish in my flaws and imperfections, but to accept them. In the end, they make me who I am. They make me different from everyone else, more unique, and I like that very much. I bet you'll be even more surprised to hear that im no longer hiding behind long sleeves and jeans to cover my cuts. I show them off. I show the world how one could overcome their fears and gain back the control they had over their life before it was snatched away by snarling, ugly demons. I show them how even the weakest, most broken beings, can regain confindence, repair their wings and learn to fly again. I think thats one of the greatest changes I've made to my life; going back to the sweet, strong girl I've always been.

Daisy and I have actually grown closer over the span of a month. We're not the bestest friends in the world but she's very nice to have around. She's like the mother figure I've never had (as silly as that sounds). She's a good listener too and gives great advice. In fact, she's the one that insisted I should write in here (my diary) whenever I felt a storm headed my way. To tell you the truth, it has helped me so much. More than anyone could ever imagine. You may think that its just pieces of paper glued together at the seams to create a book but its more than that. It's my release; my safe haven. Writing allows me to express my feelings without being judged or teased for feeling that certain emotion. I have no idea why I didn't think of it years ago, when things started to get bad, but im more than grateful for it now.

I've started school again, about a week ago. No, its not that school i attended before, Davidson High, either. Its a school that goes by the name Baker High. The first day I arrived, i had already made a good amount of friends. All of in which were very sweet and cool. There are 3 in total. Layla, a very outgoing, gorgeous, cheerleader for the state's best cheer squad. She's witty, sarcastic and hilarious, all of which tying in to her amazing personality. Then there's Anthony and Seth. Both very sporty, (im talking football, soccer and basketball fanatics) cheesy, and perverted guys with a great sense of humor too.

I guess you could say life is going pretty good for me in the moment, although I wish it could be this easy for the rest of my life we all know all good things have to come an end eventually. I'll still continue to write in here with every chance I get but I must go now. Hunter is waiting for me.


Okay, yes! This is the final chapter of Heal the Scars. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it too. Yes, I will be writing more books so check those out too! Im not gonna write some long sappy paragraph about how much I love you guys and appreciate your support because you know that already. Thank you all so much! I love you guys. New book soon!


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