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When I finally emerge from the shower I am worn out, tired, and sleepy. My eyes felt so heavy right now and my legs felt like they would give way at any moment. I had a ton of homework tonight but I promised I'd wake up an hour or so early to get it done.

I went downstairs to get a glass of water and made myself comfy in the living room. Minutes later I was sleeping peacefully with my legs spread out on the couch.


The next morning I woke up to Hunter telling me to get up. I cursed, realizing I'd overslept 30 minutes and class started in 10. "Shit." I cursed again, realizing I didn't do my homework last night.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"Didn't do my homework last night." I answered.

"Already did it for you. It's in your bookbag. Breakfast is on the table. Now go get dressed. " He shooed me off and I skipped up the stairs to my bedroom to slide on a pair of skinnies and a white t-shirt.  I pulled my hair up and took the steps to the kitchen.

"Sit." Hunter ushered me to the island, I sat on one of the stools. Hunter slid a plate across the counter and leaned against the counter, hands clasped together with his forearms laid out before him.

I took a bite of my bagel. "What happened last night? What led to that incident in the tub?" He asked.

"Hunter, I don't feel like talking about that right now." I took another bite, " I just wanna enjoy my breakfast for now." I nudged my egg around my plate with my fork, not making eye contact with Hunter.

He ran a hand through his hair, "K. We'll talk later then." Hunter turned away from me and I heard him stalk up the stairs. I blew a few strands of hair from my face, holding my head in my hands.

Hunter came down minutes later. He was dressed in his usual attire. A black shirt and some jeans. "Are you ready?"

I nodded, placing my plate in the sink and sliding on some flats. Hunter took my hand, thumb reassuringly running over the top of my skin. It was times like this that I wish time would freeze in place and we can enjoy this moment forever.

He let go of my hand to lock up and I got into the passenger seat. The car started up and we were off to another horrible day at school, for me anyways.


Just a short filler chapter!




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