Chocolate Chip Waffles

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Hunter pulled away, resting his forehead on mine. The butterflies in my stomach fluttering once more, my cheeks becoming hot. This being only the second time we'd been this close, I'd still hadn't gotten used to the feeling of someone ever touching me like he does. It felt good to be touched gently like this, for your skin to be caressed, and for all of you to be loved, not only the good in you but for your imperfections as well. I'd been susceptible to being punished for all my imperfections, used to feeling unloved by the people whose love mattered to you most, the one person who was meant to motivate, support, encourage you but only made you feel weak, who brought you down until you had not a speck of self esteem left.

I didn't realize I had zoned out until the snap of someone's fingers brought me back to reality. "Huh? What?" I shook my head trying to snap back into reality.

"You didn't hear me did you?" Hunter asked, his sky blue eyes peering into mine. My sudden loss of speech confirmed I didn't hear any word that had left his mouth.

"I asked if you wanted to help finish up breakfast." Hunter said, a smile slowly edging it's way onto his pale cherry red lips. "Sure." I grinned as he gently grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers and leading me down the hall. We entered the kitchen, my hand falling from his grip, leaving an sensational fire to dance on my fingertips. "Chocolate chip or Resse's pieces?" Hunter asked, holding up a bag of Nestlè chocolate chips and Reese's pieces.

"What for?" I asked, cocking my head to the side, thick strands of hair falling over my shoulders.

"Waffles duh!" Hunter stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How am I supposed to know if i've never had them?" I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What! You've never had chocolate chip waffles?!" Hunter shouted, possibly loud enough to shatter glass.

"Nah shit sherlock." I laughed, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Shut it Leianne." Hunter said, pointing a stern finger at me.

"No, I rather not....." I trailed off, not knowing Hunter's middle name.

"Adams." Hunter filled in. I repeated his full name for it felt good rolling off my tongue.

"Austyn Leianne." Hunter teased, sticking out his tongue.

I smiled, "So are you gonna teach me how to make waffles or not?"

"Yep." Hunter replied popping the 'p'.

I leaned against the counter, watching as Hunter scrambled around the kitchen to find the ingredients for his "Fancy Waffles". Once done, he called me over to the other side of the kitchen where he stood at the counter top cracking eggs into a glass mixing bowl. His tongue dangling out the side of his mouth, concentrating on the food before him. Hunter didn't seem to notice me standing there, waiting for him to give me further instructions besides me standing here being his bodyguard, "Hunterrr." I sang in a sing songy voice.

"Right. First im cracking 4 eggs in this bowl and then we're gonna add 3 cups of flour and a teaspoon of vanilla extract." Hunter said, I nodded my head pretending to know what he's talking about when in reality I knew nothing.

"Here." Hunter said handing me a red measuring cup and a pouch of flour,"Pour flour in here until you get to the 3 margin." He ordered and I took the flour from him with shaky hands. He held the cup steady while I poured. I nearly missed the whole cup, most of the flour tumbling to the floor, white dust going everywhere.

"Let me help." He laughed, standing behind me and placing his fingers on mine that lay on the pouch of flour, my cheeks heating up.

"There." He sighed, wiping his hands on his grey sweats and setting the flour down.

"Next we're adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract and then the best part, chocolate chips and Reese's!" I laughed at his childish behavior.

Hunter grabbed the vanilla extract, pouring a teeny fraction of the liquid in before opening both bags of candy. Hunter popped a few pieces in his mouth before finally adding some in to the waffle mix. Hunter handed me the spoon to stir in which I nervously took glancing at him for permission,"Go ahead." He nodded eating more candy. I began stirring, bits of flour and candy spewing from the bowl, some landing on my face while others decorating the front of my shirt. Hunter laughed in which I turned to glare, "That's not funny."

"Yes it is." He laughed harder. I dipped my finger into the mixture, wiping some on Hunter's cheek. He instantly stopped laughing, glaring at me now, I smirked. He stuck all his fingers in the bowl as I attempted to scoot away, he cupped my cheeks, smearing waffle mix all over them, I yelled, thrashing to get out of Hunter's grip. He let me go, smiling evilly, while dipping his finger back into the bowl before taking it in his mouth and licking it off. "Mmm. That actually tastes pretty good. Wanna taste?" He asked, holding up his finger. "Ew Hunter no!" I yelled but that didnt stop him from lunging at me with waffle mix all over him, smearing it on my shirt, sweats, face, hair, anywhere you name it. By that time I was drenched from head to toe in waffle mix, "Look what you did Hunter Adams!" I yelled,"You're helping me clean this off!" I shouted. "Okay. You said it!" And with that Hunter took my face in his fingers again and licking my cheek. "Hunter!" I yelled, wiping his saliva from my cheek with his shirt.

(30 minutes later)

I collasped on the floor next to Hunter covered in waffle mix. We laid there catching our breaths for awhile before we both yelled,"Im hungry!"

Longest chapter ever!!

Love u guys!!





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