Other Plans

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I sat on the couch flicking through tv channels in search for a good movie. Prince asleep on my tummy, legs spread on Hunter's lap. There was a sudden knock on the door followed by a ring of the doorbell. Hunter instictively stood up, Prince's ears perking up as he jumped softly off the couch, prancing behind Hunter.

"Who is it?" Hunter's voice boomed.

I heard another faint voice on the other side of the door before Hunter swung the door open, his whole body standing infront of the doorway purposefully so I couldn't see. "What do you want?" Hunter snapped. There was the sound of commotion, Hunter glancing over his shoulder at me before turning back. "She doesn't want to see you." I heard Hunter say and thats when I got up from the couch, crossing the floor and standing next to him.

"Who is it Hunter?" His body was blocking me from seeing whoever it was on the doorstep causing me to ruffle my hair in frustration.

"No one." He spoke.

I felt like a child. I didnt need Hunter to bossing me around and telling me who I could and couldn't see. He wasn't my dad after all. "Hunter." I warned, tapping my foot impatiently. He ignored my pleads, continuing to speak to whoever the other being was.

"Hunter let me see." I groaned, pushing his shoulder. Reluctantly, he moved so I could see who it was. Josh.

A smile edged its way onto my lips as I slipped past Hunter and ran into Josh's chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso and inhaled his scent of washing powder and cigarettes. I heard Hunter clear his throat and I pulled away, my cheeks reddening.

I put my fingers in the back pocket of my jeans awkwardly, "Hunter can you give us a minute?" I asked and he sighed, slamming the door behind himself. I sat down on the first step of the porch, Joshua taking a seat beside me. The air was chilly and I regretted not bring a sweater out with me. I shifted so we were face to face and we both stared at each other for awhile. He still looked the same, blue braces and all but I noticed something different too. Maybe it was the subtle on his jaw and chin or the beanie he was wearing but whatever it was it made him look more mature and older.

After awhile we finally glanced away, "So how have you been?" He asks, playing with his fingertips.

"Good. You?" I answered, deciding against telling him about my lashing outs or the rather new cuts on my wrist from weeks ago. He didn't need to know. It wasn't his business.

"Eh. I've been okay." He responded back and I nodded my head not asking for anymore details.

The air around us became thick with tension as we fell into silence. No matter how hard we tried to beat around the bushes we knew that we'd have to come to this point one day and I guess that day is today. We're finally gonna work this out. Get these weights from our chests. Stop holding grudges against each other.

Or so I thought, Joshua had other plans...


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