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"Dude! What's your fucking problem?" I gritted my teeth as I took a step closer to Josh so we were chest to chest.

"I'm sorry bro. I didnt know what I was thinking. I never knew she self harmed herself." Josh said, sympathy laced in his words.

"Bullshit! Have you not seen the cuts on her thighs? They didnt magically appear there overnight you asshole." I was practically fuming. I had to let out all of these emotions that I've been holding for a really long time now and this seemed to be the only way out.

"Josh. Hunter. Stop it now. I didnt come down here to watch you two tear each other's faces off." I turned around and saw Austyn standing on the staircase, leaning on the railing to keep herself up.

"Then why'd you come down here?" Josh asked I looked back at him, gritting my teeth.

"To leave." She said and thats then when I noticed the duffel bag on the stair behind her.

I shook my head, "Dont be stupid Austyn."

"I'm not being stupid. I'm being reasonable." She argued.

"How are you being reasonable?! Leaving me is not being reasonable, Austyn and you damn well know that." I groaned.

"This is not about you. Im doing whats best for my own good."


"Its obvious that I'm unwanted here. Now if you would excuse me, I'll just go."

"No." I said.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"I said no. You're not leaving." I paused, gaining more confidence. "Ive lost way too many and I'm damn well not letting you slip through my fingers just like that." I argued.

I took steps forward until we were only inches away, "Hunter, this is not about you! You dont tell me what to do! This is my decision. Not yours. So I ask of you to move so I can leave." She repeated again, holding my gaze, her eyes fierce.

"You're not leaving!" I yelled, struggling to keep my composure.

She looked suprised, "Just let me leave! You won't have to look at me anymore or deal with me crying all the time like I am now. It'll be a burden lifted from your shoulders." She tried to push past me but I moved so she couldn't leave.

"Hunter." She warned.

"Austyn." I mocked.

"Move." She growled, staring at me with her tear filled eyes.

I held my ground until she finally gave up, collasping into my arms. Her tears wettned the thin fabric of my shirt as I rubbed soothing circles on her back. Sobs left her lips broken and ragged. It hurted me seeing her like this. I just wanted to hold her in my arms. Make her feel safe. Loved. Wanted.

I took hold of her thighs, lifting her. Her arms wrapped around my neck, her face buried in my neck with her head on my shoulder. I climbed the stairs with her still in my arms and walked to my bedroom, setting her down on my mattress before climbing in with her.

I pulled the covers over us as her sobs died down. I watched her, stroking her hair until her eyes fluttered close.




I said ALMOST!


Give me a follow babes.

-Breia x


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