Ravish Me

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"See you later." I waved Hunter bye and sauntered off to my locker only to find Jace leaning up against it.

"What do you want." I snapped, annoyance easily found in my movements by the tap of my foot against the marble floor.

"I never got to finish what I started yesterday." He sneered, stepping towards me.

"Move." I demanded, taking a glance at my watch. 5 more minutes until class started and I'd be late. Having suffered this encounter just yesterday and I wanted to give my teachers a nice impression by making it to class on time.

"Like I said. I have something to finish." He repeated, eyes dark.

"She said move." I heard a voice behind me and was startled, spinning on my heels to face a blonde haired blue eyed guy. Reluctantly, Jace cursed and spun on his heel rather quickly without a second glance behind himself.

I shot the blonde haired guy a smile, "Thankyou for that but I've gotta go." I quickly exchanged my books for 1st block and slammed my locker shut, scurrying off to Math with a small smile.

"Hey! I didn't quite catch your name!" I heard him yell behind me.

"Austyn!" I shouted back, entering math mere seconds before the bell rang.

I sat my bag down and took my seat at the back of the class, secluded from everyone else. I took out my blue notebook and started on the bell ringer.

A few seconds later the door swung open and the same guy from the hallway entered. Ms. Gavin, the math teacher, looked up from her wad of papers, " Garret  you're late. Care to explain?"

"I uh got caught in some hallway traffic that's all." Ms. Gavin nodded her head suspiciously and Garett searched around for an empty seat. I looked around too and found the only empty seat was right next to me.

"Hey." He breathed, pulling a blue binder from his backpack.

I looked up from the scribbles of my pencil and lightly waved, "Hey."

"Uhm." Ms. Gavin cleared her throat,  " Austyn would you like to share your conversation with the class?" She sneered.

My cheeks went hot as coals as I blankly stared down at my sheet of paper.

I frowned when the class doubled over in laughter.

Why are they laughing?

I looked to my right and saw Garrett was laughing too.

So many questions were running through my mind. Why are they laughing? What's funny? Why'd Garrett  save me from Jace? Why am I still here?

I turned to glare at Garrett , anger coursing through my veins. I felt so humiliated to the extent where I gathered all of my stuff and stormed out of the room.

I found a nearby bathroom and pushed open the door and hid in one of the stalls.

I can't believe I actually thought Garrett  was my friend. I only wanted to feel accepted for once but obviously I failed. I was never gonna fit in and be a normal person. I was gonna remain an outcast, outsider, weirdo, or whatever you call those people who stood out from the crowd, for many, many days to come.

Hours flew by and soon I was in the passenger seat of Hunter's Range Rover, staring out the window until we finally pulled up to his house. Hunter switched off the ignition and I unbuckled and stepped out into the August air.

My backpack hung on my shoulders with its wads of paper and mass of textbooks dangling inside. Hunter stuck the key in the door and jiggled it open. I stomped inside and up the stairs to my bedroom, throwing my bag on the floor. I found a pair of leggings and a tshirt and made my way to the bathroom.

Maybe a shower would help, I told myself. Maybe a shower could release some of these mixed emotions and relieve stress. I stripped and blasted warm water on my needy skin.

I scrubbed myself in strawberry body wash and washed my hair. Sitting under the warm water for awhile and let the droplets hit my face. The droplets were hammering against my face repeatedly and It reminded me of the laughter of my 30 or so pretentious classmates, Garrett. Oh how I hated that name. How I wanted to tell him I wished we'd never met, I, never gave him my name. I wish he never saved me. I wish I could just go back in time and make it so Jace could have done as he pleased with me and Garrett  didn't show up.

Oh how I wished for so many things at this moment. How I wish I never even existed and I'd be safe from all of this shit. I honestly felt like shit right now and nothing could change that not even the banging of Hunter's fist on the bathroom door telling me to open up and let him in. But I'd done that too many times. Open up and let some random guy in for him only to treat me like dirt. I was so sick, and tired, of everyone saving me from myself, something I couldn't even do.

'Why not let the demons in my head get what they want? Let them rest?' I thought.

"Go away!" I yelled to the fist banging against the door. "Let me be. Let the monsters ravish me, Hunter!"

"Austyn, please! Open the door! I can help you! Please!" His voice was pleading and desperate.

"I don't need your help!" I yelled, fist coming down hard on the side of the tub.

To my disliking the door burst open and Hunter came running through. He jumped in with me and took me in his arms. "Hunter let me go!" I shouted, hands banging against his chest. Hunter only held me tighter and I struggled against his hold. I heard his cries seconds later, "Baby, please." he soothed and pulled me into his lap as I sobbed against his soaked shirt.


Hope you enjoyed!



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