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"We are watching Paranormal Activity and thats final." Hunter said.

We were currently having an argument over which movie to watch. While I wanted to simply watch The Notebook Hunter insisted that we were going to watch Paranormal Activity. Not to mention how afraid I was of horror movies especially ones dealing with ghosts. I finally just gave up. Arguing with Hunter was no use. When his mind was made up about something there was no way he was changing it.

"You're so stubborn." I groaned, glaring at Hunter. He smirked sadistically, popping the movie into the DVR. Hunter clicked the light switch, the room falling into darkness. Sitting on the couch next to me, his knees tucked behind him. I reached for the blanket that rested on his thigh, climbing underneath and tucking it under my chin.

"Cold?" I nodded my head and he pulled me closer, I snuggled my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped both of his arms around my tiny waist as I rested my head on his chest. His touch caused a warmth to spread through my whole being, millions of  goosebumps rising everywhere he touched. Using his towering height to his advantage by placing his chin on my head. A comfortable silence settling around us, I felt myself getting sleepy. The movie on the screen being totally forgotten as I drifted off.

I woke up a few hours later. We were still in the same position as before. Hunter had his head resting to the side on the back of the couch. How had he been sleeping that way? I have no clue. The position he was in looked very uncomfortable. Deciding that he probably didnt want a crook in his neck, I woke him.

"Hunter?" I whispered, nudging his shoulder.

"Hm?" He searched around for the sound of the voice that was speaking to him.

"Lay back on the couch or you'll have a crook in your neck." I said, gently pushing him back to emphasis my point. He reluctantly laid down flat on his back, legs spread out on the couch. He reached out, taking my hand and tugging me, "What are you doing? There's not enough room for two people to sleep on the same end of the couch?" I reasoned. "You can sleep here." Hunter said, gesturing to his chest, tugging on my hand again. I gave in, attempting to crawl over to him with a broken ankle. Finally reaching him, placing my body on his. Feeling the warmth from his chest seaking through my shirt as I rested against him. His cold fingertips going under my shirt, grazing the newly found skin with the tips of his soft fingers. I tingled as he went higher, tracing over the back of my turquoise bra before going lower again. He repeated this soothing gesture over and over, burying his head in the crook of my neck as I nestled my head in his, stroking his hair. Soon we both fell asleep.


I woke up hours later. Realizing there was no warm body underneath me this time, I unraveled myself from the small blanket and got up. I limped to my bedroom, entering my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, taking my hair from its braid and brushing it out before flicking it over my shoulder, moving it from my face.

For some reason it felt like I was being watched so turning to my right, my orbs landed on Hunter leaning up against my bathroom door, a smug look on his face. He still had on the same clothes from last night. A white v-neck clinging to his torso showing his toned torso and a pair of grey  sweats hanging loosely on his hips. He looked really attractive even though he was wearing his pj's. I didn't realize I was staring until his voice rang out,

"Take a picture it'll last longer."He smirked, amused he'd caught me staring. I shook my head, coming back to reality, "Wha?" I couldn't help but sound dumb.

"C'mon help me finish breakfast." He muttered, grabbing my hand and tugging me. Pain shot through my leg making me cry out. "Ow. Hunter stop. You're hurting my ankle." I groaned, pulling my hand from his and leaning against the wall to steady myself.

"Are you okay? I completely forgot. Im sorry." Hunter turned around, his eyes worried. "Whatever. Its fine." I muttered, pissed off. How could he forget? I was wearing a bright green cast on my ankle for God's sake. "Here, let me help you." he mumbled, attempting to lift me from the ground. A flash of pain shot through me again making my hands ball into fists causing my knuckles to turn white. "Stop. Just stop." Hunter reluctantly sat me back down, taking a step away from me.

"What's your problem? Are you on your period or something?" Hunter said, staring down at me.

"No!" I shouted.

"Then why are you acting like a complete bitch?!" Hunter yelled back, he looked even more taller than before as he stood over me, glaring. I was scared for a bit, but that fear left as soon as it came.

"Asking you to stop because you were hurting my ankle is being a bitch? You're ridiculous Hunter." I snapped.

"I was only trying to help!" Hunter yelled back.

"You weren't helping! You were only making it worse!" I shouted back, but instantly regretted it when Hunter turned away from me, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Fine! I guess I won't help you next time then." He said, walking out my door. I limped after him,"Hunter wait! Im sorry. I didn't mean it. I swear." I plead.

"Austyn just save it." He muttered. Not even making eye contact with me. He was disgusted with me. I could tell. He only wanted to help. Why didn't I just let him help? One reason. I was stubborn.

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Love u guisee x

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