You and Your Buddies better clean this up before Daisy gets home!

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Its been 2 weeks since Hunter and I have made up. Today Hunter invited some of his friends from his football team over to practice and run some drills for their upcoming football game, while I, being the lazy person I am, decided to be a couch potato for today. Just chilling on the couch with a huge jar of nutella and a big bowl of popcorn watching movies.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before walking downstairs in my oversized t-shirt and a pair of leggings. I pushed open the kitchen door and my mouth fell open. The kitchen was a disaster. Cabinets were wide open, the sink was overflowing with dirty dishes, there were bits of crumbs from chips and cookies scattered all over the tiles. It looked like a tornado destroyed everything in the kitchen, basically. 

I turned my head and saw 4 guys, including Hunter. They had crumbs all over their faces. "Hunter, did you and your friends do this?" I asked. They all shook their heads no.

"Oh really now? The evidence is all over yall's faces!" I pointed out and their faces fell with a look of defeat. 

"All I have to say is that you and your buddies better clean this up before Daisy and Jake gets home." I stated, grabing my huge jar of nutella and a spoon and leaving the kitchen and plopping on the couch.

I grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels until I found Netflix and began watching The Last Song. I haven't seen this movie in ages. About 10 minutes into the movies I heard the boys in the kitchen talking.

"Dude, I knew you had a new sister, but you didnt tell me she was hot!" One guy said.

"Yeah! How old is she?" another guy asked.

"She's 15. But bro stay away." I heard Hunter say.

"How can we stay away when she looks like that?!" I heard another guy yell.

" Yall can flirt and shit but if you break her heart I promise to break your face." Hunter stated and right when he said that he walked into the living room. I quickly pretended to be watching the movie, acting like nothing happened. 

"Sup sis?" Hunter asked, plopping down on the couch next to me. Soon all of the others sat down beside Hunter, but  one guy in particular caught my eye. He had chocolate brown hair and from what I could see from here, he had green eyes and blue braces.

He was flawless.

I guess he could feel me staring because he glanced my way causing my cheeks to flame, I quickly looked away and focused on the movie infront of me. By the end of the movie I'd emptied my whole jar of nutella and I was hungry.

"Be right back guys. I'm going to make some popcorn." I said, getting up from the sofa and scooting to the kitchen. I was very aware that every eye in the room stared after me.

"I'll help you," a deep horse voice, called out. I took a glance over my shoulder and it was the cute guy who I'd been caught staring at. He pulled a toothy grin showing off his once again, blue braces. I smiled in return and we entered the kitchen.

I walked over to the cupboards and stood on the balls of my feet , reaching for the cabinet that enclosed the box of popcorn. But me being the short person I am, I could not reach it. "Wait,  I'll get it for you," he said, standing behind me. His hot breath hit the base of my neck, causing me to shudder. His perfectly tanned arm reached out to get the popcorn, I watched in awe as his muscles flexed beneath the restraints of his black muscle tee.

"Here ya go." he said, handing me the box of popcorn.

"Thankyou." I said, bashfully.

After a couple more minutes of joking around and casually flirting we finally finished cooking the popcorn. We walked into the living room with the flaming bags of popcorn and sat the huge red bowl on the table, then dumped the contents of all of the bags in.

"Dig in, fat people!" I yelled, and they began stuffing there mouths by the handfuls.

While Hunter and the other 2 guys watched the movie, the cute guy, who I learned name was Josh, and I sat on a separate couch and began chatting and joking around some more. We made jokes about the other guys and how they were about to cry after certain movies or shit their pants while watching horror films. And let me tell you, it was hilarious!

By the end of the day, I learned all of the guys names and somewhat of their personalities,  which I tell you was very unique and fascinating. There was Brandon, the blonde haired blue eyed boy who always took things too seriously. There was Jake, the black haired brown eyed one, the jokester of them all. And then there was Josh, the brown flippy haired boy, with the gorgeous sea green eyes with hints of blue around the pupil, and those blue braces that covered, what I thought, perfect white teeth. Josh was the shy one of them all, he is very quiet, but once you get to know him, he's a really down to earth and caring guy. As you can tell, I kinda have a teensy crush on him, but I knew to keep my distance because no matter what,  some kind of way I was gonna get my heart crushed. I'd experienced it all before even though it was only once, having your heart broken still hurted like shit.

Soon it was time for the guys to go, but I didnt want them to and by the looks on their faces they didnt want to leave either. I got up from the sofa and walked to the door with Josh right beside me.

"Well, I'll see you later then?" Josh asked.

"Yeah I guess so." I smiled, my cheeks tinting to a more pinkish colour.

"Wait, before I leave....uhhh..." I encouraged him to go on. "Ermm...can I have your number so we can erm...stay in touch...just in know.."

I smiled at his nervousness,"Sure, let me see your phone." He handed me his black iPhone 5 and I handed him my phone. I went to his contacts and placed my number in his phone under 'Austyn' with a few emojis, then passed him back his phone.

"Alrighty, I guess I'll catch you later then." Josh said, embracing me in a nice friendly hug. The hug was so warm and it made me feel all mushy inside. My tummy was basically doing somersaults all over the place. I waved the others bye as they all climbed into their separate vehicles and pulled out of the long driveway.


How are the new characters in the story?

It seems like Austyn has a little crushy wushy!!

⊙○⊙ What does that mean?!

Will Josh and Austyn fall in love?

Or are they just extremely friendly "Friends"?

Read the next chapter to find out! -------->

I love you lots!!

Bree! ♡

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