It's Not Gonna Be OK

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Gonna be honest. This is all set up, I just needed to give myself a foundation to work with so this is badly written but I just needed a basis to work from. Sorry.

There was a knock on the door, Gus is quick to answer it, greeting Willow and Boscha, "Hey."

"So what's the word?" Boscha inquires as she burst through the door, "What's going on?"

"I assumed one of you knew!" Gus exclaims as he let them in, "It's all gone so wrong so fast."

Willow summoned a tea plant via glyph, she could tell Gus was stressed and offers, "I can make some tea, seems like we'll be here a bit."

"So what's wrong?" Willow inquires, "I am not up to speed at all."

"Hoo boy," Gus sighs. He summoned some small illusions that played out the scene as he explained, "Where do I begin? Amity attacked Mr. Blight, which, wish she had told us but we knew this day would come, fine. Not fine but, it was gonna happen."

"Wait," Boscha interjects, "She didn't tell me about that. I've known her far longer than you guys have." Boscha felt a sadness and sense of betrayal. Why didn't Amity ask them or at least her, for help? Amity was their friend, yet she didn't trust them when the chips were down. Had she done something wrong? Was Amity just being a jerk? She didn't know.

Gus shrugs, "I... guess so. Anywho, Luz protected Mr. Blight, took him away, but then he was found dead. After that, it's a blank. Since all this went down last week, Amity hasn't left the estate, Luz hasn't been seen, even with her disguise, and Eda is gone too. Some stuff is going down and I have no clue what to do. Do you guys have any idea?"

Willow suggests the obvious, "Uhhh... just... ask? Just check on em?"

"Frankly I've been to anxious to do so," Gus admits, "But if you guys are willing to we can try. Where we wanna go first though?"

"Amity," Boscha states, "I want answers to why she didn't tell us."

Gus nods, "Fair enough, let's go."

Willow protests, "But I just started the tea and- fine let's go."

Jerbo's plant-based abomination continues to repair the damage of the duel one week prior as the young witch lets out a long sigh.

Viney offered him a soda and sat by him, "Stressful stuff I know."

"That's an understatement," Jerbo agreed, "How's Amity?"

"She's resting," Viney explained, "I tried to heal her but she was pretty beat up, so she'll need time to fully recover. What's our next move?"

"Didn't Barcus have an idea?"

"No he's as stumped as we are. It's just odd. We did it! Mr. Blight is bested! My boyfriend avenged! But..."

"Ya feel worse don't you?"

"Yeah. Little bit. It just went so so wrong."

"Yeah I did not wanna see Amity and Luz break up. That was... hard on Amity. I just... I feel like I should be doing something."

"You don't have to fix everything, sometimes you have to help yourself to help others. Like, you can only do so much and it's not healthy or practical to do more than you can."

"Like the old sharpen the saw expression? You need to sharpen your saw to cut a tree?"

"Exactly and right now we can't chop this tree. There's nothing we can do so we should do what we can as we go and just try to... mentally recover... from this. We can plan our next move after, when Amity is also recovered."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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