A Couple's Couple of Flawed Ideologies

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Luz and Amity walk down the street, holding hands and making small talk, enjoying the cold Winter's day. snow falling down, the flakes dancing in the air. The two walk to clear their heads, Amity leading Luz by the hand towards an unknown destination, as the two discuss the recent events.

"So are we gonna talk about King or..." Luz inquires.

"I thought you would you would never ask," Amity responds, "She was really vague about why King is crashing elsewhere."

"It's almost like Eda is hiding something," Luz c9oncedses, "Like she didn't wanna say the reason."

Amity, now realizing it is related to the murders committed by Eda, quickly deflects, "King is a little childish. It's probably something petty."

"I suppose," Luz replies, "One thing I am curious about, how DID bibles get to the Boiling Isles."

"I would say imported from Mewni," Amity replies, helping Luz over a fallen tree trunk, "But mostly illegal texts are what Eclipsa and the other kingdoms send us. Plato's Republic, the Communist Manifesto, that sort of thing. Bibles, man I don't know. Can't have been Mewni, Belos sent Bibles to Mewni. Someone must have brought them in from outside cause Jesus is from Earth, and also the son of the universe's curliest dad, but, yeah hold on. That doesn't quite track. Something is screwy here isn't it?"

"Yeah sure is but..." Luz stops and inquires, "Did you just imply God is a jerk?"

"Have you read the Bible Luz?" Amity inquires as the duo now climb from broken tree to broken tree, to engrossed in conversation to notice that more and more of the trees appear ravaged by a larger creature who passed through. "Dude is strait evil. Homophobic, sexist, and so on. Tower of Babble? That ring a bell? Everyone was together for one goal and the big man upstairs took their ability to communicate. Do you know how much conflict could be avoided if all humans could communicate clearly? How many lives could be saved? No though, bearded moron let his ego get in the way. God sides with Belos and my father. No, he's not my dad. He's just Mr. Blight, but if God sides with them, as the Bible says, then I hate God."

"That's a flawed ideology," Luz replies, walking along a fallen tree next to Amity, walking ahead slightly as she tries to balance. 

"How so?"

"Well, think for a second. IF we assume God is by definition good, and that in the Bible he supports evil things, then either the Bible is wrong or God is not good. Which would also imply that the Bible is wrong. It is a text passed down for centuries from human to human, translated countless times, , and likely edited by malicious clergyman. If it were once true, it is not anymore."

"OK go on you have my attention."

"Well, if we cannot trust the Bible, or any holy text, we must trust in pure ethics. Logic and reason. Love and compassion. Protect LGBT rights and minorities, destroy the wicked."

"But then doesn't that mean there is no God?"

"Maybe, but I don't think so. If we assume matter cannot be created or destroyed, then the Big Bang, which was hyper condensed matter if I recall from science class, or something. Yeah I failed that test but point is, the matter of the big bang had to come from somewhere. Since it could not make itself it therefore had to come from outside. Maybe another universe made our own, and we are but means to an end for a more advanced race that has a death grip on the multiverse, but I think a God caused the big bang and the matter therein. Now maybe the God is evil, or, more likely, indifferent. If we assume we have free will we can assume this God does not control us and since we choose our fate this God would have no plan. I do believe that good always prevails  and that this God nudges us, but at the end of the day, it is our free will that guides us." 

Amity contemplated this, it seems to make enough sense to her. She would prefer this view to her own, but at the time, she feels as though it's to easy to accept at the outset. Can it really be that simple as just listening to Luz and Luz being right? No, God could be anything even if Luz is right and that's a big if. Amity considers that this view might be true, but as long as Mr. Blight is free and breathing, she sees no proof of it. IF she can prevail against Mr. Blight, if good prevails, she will accept this, but for now...

"I'll consider it," Amity replies.

Luz smiles. feeling that this will help Amity if only to a small extent. She adds, "That's why I do everything myself. I saved you at Grom, Eda only stepping in cause I did, and stuff like that."

Baffled, Amity demands, "Excuse me?"

"Back home," Luz explains taking a more somber tone, "Cops sucked. Teachers sucked. Parents sucked. Everyone was crooked, on drugs, homophobic, beating their kids, a religious zealot, or some combination. So, I had to take matters into my own hands. Usually protecting the smaller kids at school, that sort of thing."

"You know that other people can handle stuff," Amity retorts, "If you try to save everyone you'll just destroy yourself. You can't just run on this martyr complex idea. I-"

"God won't do it," Luz retorts, "He's hands off or we would not have free will. No one around me ever protected me, so why would they ever protect me or anyone?"

Amity prepares to speak up, her intention today to come clean to Luz about the arena and her sadism. She isn't sure why, maybe because she feels complacent in hiding the murder of Luz's genetic mother, maybe it is because she is secretly ashamed of this aspect of herself, or maybe she simply feels the need to be accepted by Luz without deceit. She isn't sure what it is, maybe some combination of all these aspects. She decides to say nothing, rather showing Luz that she has taken action. 

The two arrive at the entrance of the arena only for it to be totally destroyed, via the actions of Vera and the Traveler. Amity finds herself, less shocked than she expected. 

"So what did you wanna show me?" Luz inquires.

"Looks like it closed down," Amity replies, taking the opportunity to bail from coming clean, "Wanna just go grab a bite to eat?"

"You got your hood?" Luz inquires.

Amity nods hiding her face under the gift given to her on Christmas but elaborates, "But seriously, you don't have to do everything yourself. You'll burn out like that."

Luz is less receptive to Amity's advice than Amity was to Luz's retorting, "I'll believe it when I see it." 

Amity sighs, deciding not to get to deep into discussion and reveal her own misdeeds as she looks outside the city walls to see something ripping a tree out of the ground in the forest and swallowing it whole.

"That the Giant of Gluttony?" Luz inquires. 

"I've never seen it this close to town," Amity replies, "That's worrying."

"Well I'll handle it when it's an issue," Luz replies, "Let's go."

Amity lingers for a moment, realizing now the destruction the duo passed by was caused by the titanic teeth of the creature on the horizon, pondering how truly dangerous its ravenous hunger could be. She brushes it off before carrying on to go eat with Luz.

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