Hell at Hexside Part Three: Aftermath

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Luz, Amity, and Gus go to visit Willow and Boscha in the hospital. The room is cold with two beds, one for each of them. Willow looks out the window sadly, stiches in her stomach where she had her bile bag ripped out.

"Hey," Boscha tries to assure Willow, "at least we're alive."

Willow sighs, "I guess..."

"Hey guys!" Luz exclaims with the others following behind her. Luz doesn't quite read the somber tone of the room but she does genuinely wanna help.

"Hey..." Willow sighs distantly.

"You guys doing OK?" Gus inquires.

"I'm doing alright," Boscha replies, "we've been in here for like a week? Should get out... what was it?"

"Next week," Willow sighs again, depressed in tone.

"Well we have some good news," Amity explains, "I'm officially on the list as number seven, the Unbreakable Underdog. Hexside was... shut down though so..."

"Given what happened I expected as much," Gus interjects, noting how sad Willow seems "anyways Willow, it's nice to see you."

"I appreciate you guys coming to visit I really do," Willow explains sadly, turning her head to face them but avoiding eye contact, "but... I just need to think right now."

"Oh," Luz replies, "I understand. Given... without your bag..."

Amity gently squeezes Luz's hand as to signal her not to finish that sentence.

"Well we'll be around if ya wanna talk," Gus explains, "see you guys later!"

The trio leave, Boscha turns to face Willow who sighs and draws a circle in the air, as if trying to use magic, only for nothing to appear.

"It's about your magic?" Boscha inquires with genuine concern in her voice, "isn't it?"

"Without a bile bag a witch can't use magic," Willow explains, "I finally got the hang of it and the second I do it's ripped from me, out of my chest."

Tears begins to stream down Willow's face, "I know it isn't right to cry when the others have it so much worse than but I was finally happy Boscha! I finally had friends and magic and felt proud of myself and he took it away from me! Bump took it away!"

"He didn't take everything," Boscha replies, "you still have us."

Willow nods in agreement and wipes her tears as Boscha continues, "But it's OK to cry and feel sad, Willow. Sure you have it better, but maybe that doesn't mean you have it good, maybe it means all of us just have really sucky lives. Sometimes, inoccent, good people get hurt, but life goes on, and you will get through this. You were bullied for so long but... You stepped up from that all the same. You'll rise above this too."

Boscha blushes slightly, embrassed by what she's saying, "I look up to you a little bit, because of that. You never give up and always look on the bright side. Seeing you be so strong helped a lot."

Boscha sighs and reveals a scar on her thigh, "my mother stabbed me with a broken bong once when I was a kid when I told the guards about her smoking. Guards didn't do anything of course, but she shattered her bong and stabbed me then and there. I've had this scar ever since."

"Boscha I'm so sorry," Willow sighs.

"Don't apologize," Boscha retorts, "be strong. Be strong with me as we march forward."

"I will," Willow replies, smiling now.

"Besides Luz can still use magic!" Boscha adds, "so you can find a way!"

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