Duel with the Lucky Dog

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Viney takes a deep breath to calm herself as she waits for her friends to arrive. She looks down at her staff, forged by her, the familiar a small mouse which crawls up her arm and into her hair.

"You're such a sweet little guy aren't you? Viney chuckles.

Viney looks in front of her at Edric's grave, thinking aloud, "You know, the Blights didn't even bury him. I found his corpse just floating down the river the day after he died. Tossed aside like a used paper towel. No love or compassion. That isn't family, is it Squeakers?"

The mouse squeaks in response to her name.

"I became so... hungry for power," Viney explains, "And now I have the power to forge a stand. Everyone underestimated me and saw me as weak but... I need to come clean to my family. I can't hide how I gained this power can I?"

Squeakers nods in agreement.

"Hey Viney," a voice greets, "You wanted to talk?"

Barcus follows suite, barking happily with Jerbo, King hearing the noise and coming outside.

"You guys know that series of assaults?" Viney explains, "Of someone known as the Enormity of Envy ripping bile bags out for some unknown reason and healing the wounds shut?"

"Yeah it has to be someone with healing magic," King replies, "And they would probably pull something similar to Bump to gain power."

Barcus catches the clue and growls in disapproval.

"Yeah," Jerbo glares, "Where DID you get a staff?"

Viney explains with a deep breth and shame of her actions in her voice, "I am the Enormity of Envy. I have been underestimated as a healer and nothing more. I need to be stronger to avenge Edric and protect Amity in his stead. I committed those crimes, and I plan to go after Mr. Blight, with or without you all..."

Amity conjures a spider in her palm via mewmen dark magic, pondering her actions and her views on her faith. She recalls an old text she read as a child, "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God". A text that explains that God holds man like spiders over a fire, only keeping them out of the flames of Hell on a whim. The more she ponders this views, that Belos and the church taught her and her siblings in their youth the more contradictory it sounds to her.

If she is to assume God is angry, then God would have dropped man by now. However, if God is forgiving, and if it is to be assumed that he sacrificed his son, Jesus Christ, he must be, then why would he hold man over Hell? Hell is eternal punishment, that cannot be revoked. Forgiveness would imply a purgatory of some sort, with time and self improvement on behalf of the sinner to then atone with God. If God held the spider over said purgatory, then the logic would hold then, but the image of a wrathful God, the father of man, hating his kin, is not one of love, but one of abuse. A mirror to the relationship between her and her father. A man whom treated her with hate and expected love from his kin in spite of this because of the lie of blood ties. IF Christians are supposed to be loving, then would God not be the same, as he would expect a human father to be to his son?

To her this means that the text, this view of an old testament God just does not add up. Then again, it could be true if the angered God is not the Christian God at all. Highly possible, probable even given how must more improbable humans, witches, and mewmens making educated guesses at what exactly God thinks being 100% accurate is. Could be any God. Could be, theoretically, Hades killed Zeus and became the king of the Heavens. It could be anything if all one can assume is that some sort of God exists.

She dispels the arachnid and takes a deep breath, in, and out. She is running out of time, and this psychological pondering of which God rules is pointless when she considers both that the God or Gods that exist may not know or care about mankind at all. Again, anything could be the case by Luz's logic. Even if she did find the true, accurate answer, it would not change her situation with Mr. Blight. She needs to test her strength, as any day now Mr. Blight could come for her. She must move up the list. She has heard that her rival can be found sometimes at a house in the forest and although these are just rumors, she follows the lead as she mentally prepares for combat.

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