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"Well?" Eda asked as Luz stood in front of the door home, her hand shaking, "You going or not?"

Luz couldn't do it. All she could think of as she held the handle was that feeling. That feeling of fear and powerlessness, and she turned around, avoiding eye contact as she asked, "Could I stay here? You could teach me and an extra set of hands could be useful to you."

"But humans can't learn mag-" King began to interject only to be elbowed by Eda.

Eda responds, "I suppose that's OK, but you gotta help me out with the stand and potion deliveries."

"Yes!" Luz exclaimed, "Thank you! Thank you do much!"

Luz hugged Eda estatically as Eda chuckled and gently nudged her away, "Alright kid that's enough. Best rest up. We got a big day tomorrow, got some potions to run."

Luz nodded happily in response and later that evening as she contemplated how she ended up here.

And boy what a day it had been...

It was just a couple of hours ago when all this started. Luz was walking to school one day, buying a cold soda to soothe a black eye from a vending machine before stopping on a park bench as she opened her favorite book, a fantasy novel she was fond of.

She opened the book to read and calm her nerves but couldn't focus so she closed it, "What's the point?"

She looked at the girl on the cover, a witch and a hero, "I'll never be like you. I'll always be weak..."

Luz set the book next to her and sighed, not noting at first the small owl slowly sliding the book off the bench with his beak.

"I wish I was strong like you," Luz sighed, "But I'm not."

Luz turned to where the book once was and asked, "You know what I mean?"

Shock appeared on her face when she realized the book was gone. Luz looked up to see the small brown owl cooing as it looked back holding the back.

Luz leapt from the bench, stumbling as she rushed over the owl, "Wait! Owl! That's mine!"

Luz chased the owl into the forest as she called, "come back fluffy friend!"

The Owl led her into a shed, and a flash of magical light filled the shed. Afterwards, Luz and the Owl were gone, disappeared into thin air.

Luz found herself at a stand, exiting the fancy, rich oak door against the back of the red tent as she ran forward, chasing the owl as it runs up to a grey skinned middle aged woman, the woman greeting the owl, "There you are."

Luz hid in the corner, watching as the woman went through the bag, taking out a tazer and commenting, "Very bad wand."

She took out the book and sets it down, "Literature or something."

As she kept digging through the bag, Luz went to sneak the book away, only for the woman to suddenly slam her cane down with a scowl, causing Luz to flinch and start backing away, stammering out some excuse as Eda looks at her, Luz, now cornered, closed her eyes as if expecting to be hurt.

Eda gently adjustsd Luz's face with her hand, examining the human girl and asks, "Did the warden do this?"

"What?" Luz inquired.

"Or someone from Earth? Did you wander in here?" Eda inquired sternly and irritated, but not quite angry.

"Your..." Luz explained starting to get back on her feet, "owl... it took my book."

"Take it for all I care," Eda shrugged, "not really a lotta good stuff in this batch but that's how it goes."

Eda stood up and creates a circle with her hands, her stand disappearing in a flash.

The Owl House: Owls See AllWhere stories live. Discover now