Grom Part Two: Fire, Fear, and Fury

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Grom roars, rising from the floor now opened to reveal a basement. Boscha and Amity stand side by side, ready to face whatever the amorphous blob became.

Luz almost rushes out to help, but Willow stops her.

"You're still a human," Willow reminds, "you'll be torn apart."

"What?" Luz demands, anger appearing in her eyes.

"You should stay back," Gus replies, "we care about you and-"

"Are you kidding me!?!" Luz demands, "Eda! That's my friend Amity! You can't agree with them!"

"Luz it's as I said you should let someone else die in your place," Eda replies, "you know what happened to Emira. She-"

"You're all just like them," Luz growls bitterly, "when I cried for help nobody came because everyone was just like you! Well I won't be like that!"

Luz began to dash towards Grom as Eda exclaims, "Luz wait!" Eda chases after Luz as the duo approach the demonic creature.

However the fight proceeds as they argue, Boscha and Amity fighting their own personal demons.

As half of Grom faces Boscha in the form of her mother, the other half faces Amity.

The other half twists and morphs into a truly horrifying form. The form of a man far worse than any monster. Tall and cold, yet surrounded by fire as Grom takes the form of the third of the Seven Strongest.

The Patriarch of Pride.

Mr. Blight.

Boscha and Amity freeze, facing down their abusers. Boscha stares into the imitation of her mother's eyes and steels her resolve, throwing a fireball as Grom counters with some sort of dark magic. A frightening but even match with Grom split as the crowd above takes a sick pleasure in watching this occur.

The old man turns his attention to Amity, who begins to cry. Every fiber of her being, mind, body, and even soul scream at her to run. To cry out for help. To fight.


But she just... freezes as fire surrounds her. Her scar burns, the same as it did when she first got it. Grom speaks in her father's voice, but more echoy and ethereal in tone, "ah. It would appear you failed that test again."

"No please..." Amity begs through her tears, "I'll do anything just no more fire. No more fire."

Grom walks forward, mimicking Mr. Blight's cold demeanour as the steps leave embers where his feet land. "Oh poor child. Do you know why I burned that reminder of what you are into your flesh? Over something so, so small?"

"Stay away..." Amity begged breaking down and falling to her knees, "no fire... no fire please..."

"It's because I love you Amity," Mr. Blight explains, "as I told you the day I did it. I have to kill any weak Blight, but if I mark you, disowning you, you don't have to die like your siblings did. That's what I told you right? On that day?"

That's what Mr. Blight said to Amity word for word the day she failed that test and he burned the word "weak" into her arm. He told her that he would have to kill her if she was a Blight, but in burning that eternal reminder into her he could spare her without going against God in his eyes. He claimed it was out of love, so she didn't have to die like her siblings.

While this is nothing more than the twisted lies of a mad zealot Mr. Blight genuinely believed these things and said them for real, word for word when Mr. Blight burned Amity with that accused label. The reason it's so terrifying...

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