Two Witches, Two Friends

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Author's Note: Just wanted to get one real chapter out for this, but after this probably won't update until season 2 of the show. Sorry but I'm working on other projects atm.

Willow and Barcus walk down the streets of the Boiling Isles. Willow draws a rune on her palm with a green pen before tapping it. A small apple grows in her palm.

"I did it!" Willow exclaims offering it to Boscha.

Boscha gives a one armed hug, "Good for you! I knew you would start to get a feel for it!"

"I still wish I could do more," Willow sighs as Boscha eats the apple. "I'm so far behind where I was. It's... frustrating."

"Well," Boscha assures her, "Recovery takes time for any wound. You can only go so much faster with hard work. At a certain point you just need to go with the flow. Don't be hard on yourself. You've quickly learned many basic plant runes."

Boscha conjures a ball of water floating above her palm as the duo enter the forest under the setting Sun. Willow sticks her hand in the sphere, washing off the ink as to draw a different rune. She draw a rune which summons a thorned vine from her palm, which she controls to brush aside thick brush blocking their path.

Willow inquires, "So this Bat Queen knows more runes?"

"So I've heard from the rumors," Boscha explains, "You know how the animals atop a witch's staff, their familiars, are alive? Created by the witch?"

"Much like Mewmen spells?" Willow inquires.

Boscha nods and elaborates, "Yeah. This Bat Queen was the familiar of some giant I've heard. Knows all sorts of runes, been around for ages. She can give us more runes to help you get back to where you were before."

"Boscha?" Willow asks, stating it more like she has something to say than a question.

"Yeah?" Boscha inquires as the duo near a cave.

There is a roar from within as two grotesquely human like fingers grip the sides of the entrance, two eyes dart around from the shadows, frightening the two young witches. A massive bat, towering over them at ten feet tall with a human face and skin emerges. Her left wing is wounded, torn open as if it had been bitten by something truly massive.

She speaks in a raspy tone, "What do you seek children?"

The duo freeze up, horrified by the sight of this creature. The Bat Queen demands, yelling, "What do you seek here!?!"

Boscha, caught off guard, freezes, unable to stammer out a reply out of fear.

Worried for her friend, Willow swallows her fear steps up and explains, "I have come to request access to your collection of plant magic runes, that I may use such magics."

"For what end?" She demands approaching Willow, starring her directly in the eye.

"For self defense since I had my bile bag removed," Willow replies.

She sweats nervously as the Bat Queen starres into her eyes before retreating into the cave.

"Where did she go?" Boscha asks aloud.

She returns a moment later with a green spell tome, handing it to Willow with a kind smile.

"I have one request," the Bat Queen explains.

"What is it?" Willow inquires.

"There is a giant," the Bat Queen explains, "The Giant of Gluttony."

"One of the Lightbringers?" Boscha adds, "number four?"

Number 4 on the list: The Giant of Gluttony.

The Bat Queen nods, "I... had a recent encounter with him. If you ever cross paths with this being, promise me, you shall flee young ones. He will devour anything he sees. Anything."

The two nod in understanding.

The Bat Queen smiles and begins to walk away, replying, "Safe travels young ones. These are dark times we live in."

With that she disappears back into the shadows, from which hundreds of eyes can be seen starring back, glowing. The two begin to leave, talking, unaware there is a listener in the trees.

"The Giant of Gluttony has been attacking a lot," Willow comments.

"Didn't he say a whole city block just the other day?" Boscha inquires, "How is he so hungry?"

"I heard he was cursed to be forced into servitude of Belos's Lightbringers," Willow replies, "We should be careful. He eats whole houses. If we run into him we are as good as dead."

"That Bat Queen was his familiar you know," Boshca adds, "Witches using familiars has always been odd to me. You see those eyes in the caves?"

"Abandoned familiars?" Willow asks.

Boscha nods. "A lot of them are from people who died in that arena Amity used to fight in."

As the two exit the forest Willow replies, "Yeah. Didn't they change the password to get in there to, like, 'I hunger for violence'? Or something?"

Boscha nods, "Yeah that's the one. Come on. Let's go see if we can't get these spells figured out."

The two fully leave the forest, unaware that the Traveler has overheard their conversation, pondering aloud with deep bitterness and hatred in his tone.

"An arena where kids fight for the sadistic amusement of others?" He growls.

Images echo in his mind of events long past. He recalls a day that formed much of his current mentality.

He represses these traumatic events. He writes down the password to the arena before jumping through the trees, scowling bitterly. "I've got a job to do. I'll make sure no one else dies like you did... Yancy..."

Meanwhile Marco Diaz knocks on door, recalling rumors he heard recently. Two Half Gems fighting each other in Echo Creek. There's only one known Half Gem, but the other matches rumored descriptions of the serial killer who murdered the gang, one who used Mewmen dark magic. He suspects a connection as he knocks on the door to the apartment.

From within a young man emerges, with poofy black hair, fair skin, a pink jacket, a black shirt with three symbols on the center of it. A yellow diamond shape and blue diamond shape next to each other above a pink diamond shape. He is slightly beefy and fairly tall.

Marco speaks the man's name, "Are you Steven? Steven Beta Universe?"

The young man nods, "Yes. Yes I am. How can I help you?..."

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