The Owl Sees All Christmas Special Preview

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Ah Christmas, a time for leisure, spending time with family, and enjoying a mug of hot coco.

Unless you're the Traveler.

The Traveler sits the patio of his home, watching the snow fall. He talks on the phone with Marco, who replies, "So your charges should be a non issue. I do have to ask though, do you know anything about the murder I mentioned last time we called?"

"Yeah that was me," the Traveler lies, knowing it was Eda and covering for her.

"Was it really or you just covering for someone?" Marco inquires, noting the slight increase in pitch in the Traveler's tone. As an investigator he's learned to catch such subtle tells.

"I'm not saying what happened was right but..." the Traveler explains, "But she was a druggie that abused her daughter Luz."

"Fine I suppose," Marco shrugs, "But I can't let any more killings slide man you're right before the point of no return ethically if we assume Belos... has an accident."

"But I haven't crossed it," the Traveler retorts.

"I guess. Enough business," Marco requests, "You logging on to Glyphscape?"

"Nah man we've played Glyphscape like an hour day for a month strait I'm a little burned out," the Traveler concedes.

"Fair enough I'm gonna play in the background then," Marco explains, "So how you been?"

"I've been good," the Traveler replies, "Got my mind on some stuff though. How about you?"

"Well Christmas is next week and I'm looking forward to that. What's on your mind?"

"I'm just... you know Vera? I think I love her."

"I mean she's like your only friend of course you feel platonic love or do you mean romantically?"


"And... you're asking... advice I assume?"

"If that's OK. You're my only male friend. You're also the only person I know with a romantic partner of any kind."

"I mean, maybe ask a female friend about this dude. My advice is be honest and worst case sinerio, she stays your best friend. However Eda may be able to give more solid advice. My advice? Ask Eda."

"Fair enough. I'm gonna go do that then. Wanna hangout after Christmas?"

"Sounds like fun. If you can help with a few jobs I'll give you a cut. I know you're trying to lay low so crime wise so it's harder to do what you normally do. If you work with me we can do 2 birds one stone. You work legally, we get to hangout."

"Sounds like a plan. Cya soon!"

"Audios amigo."

The Traveler hangs up. He thinks about Vera. Vera is the only person he's ever felt this desire with. The desire to kiss her cheek and see her smile. The desire to hold her and gently doze off with her in his arms. He's felt platonic love. He's felt familial love. This... this is different, and he isn't sure what to do.

Vera is kind to him, and she helps him feel calm. She, to him, is a partner, a ying to his yang. He feels as though she is a compliment to him. He isn't sure how else to describe that.

How does he say that without scaring her away?


He opens a portal.

He knows who to ask for advice...

Eda looks at the feathers spreading across her arm. She's running out of time, and the children she's adopted...

What will happen to them?

She needs a cure to this curse as it is getting worse and worse by the day.

Snow falls over the Boiling Isles as she walks down the street, thinking. She wants to get Amity and Luz something nice for Christmas. It may be the only Christmas she can spend with them and she wants to make it count.

She knows a place that has something the kids would love but it's under the grip of the cartel and she would need help to break in. Normally King would be her eyes and ears but...

A portal opens, and as if a prayer were answered, the Traveler appears.

"Hey Eda!" He greets her happily, before spotting the curse, "You OK?"

"I'm fine," Eda lies, "How's your corruption?"

"It's been calm," the Traveler explains, "Having Vera, Marco, and you in my life, actual friends, it's helped a lot, which is why I came to talk to you actually."

"What's up kiddo?" Eda inquires, looking up at the place.

"I wanted advice on how to..." The Traveler looks up as well, and clenches his fist.

"Oh you're on a job?" The Traveler inquires, "Another casino?"

"I could use an extra set of hands," Eda explains.

The Traveler smirks, summoning his blade, "Let's have some fun then..."

Vera walks down the streets of Ocean Town, starring at a promo for some cheesy Christmas romance movie.

She finds her eyes drawn to the tagline, "Sometimes love comes from unexpected places."

In truth she's had feelings for the Traveler for a while now. She opens her notebook of song lyrics. There's many songs. Some about God and zealots. Others about hope. A few about the hatred she feels for the wicked, but a small handful, more recent ones, are failed confessions to the Traveler, unfinished and scrapped halfway. She was adamant about not dating him at the start as she felt she needed to know someone longer. She was right, but now this has developed a false insecurity that confessing now will feel like she's been leading him along.

She isn't sure what to do.

She starts to get cold, and heads into a crowded coffee shop to warm up. She sits at the only open seat next to a chubby blonde woman, who sips a hot coco, much like Vera who has purchased her own.

"May I?" Vera inquires.

"By all means," the woman replies, "What's your name?"

"Vera," she replies shaking the woman's hand, "And you are? I've never seen you around here before."

"I'm just passing through with my band," the woman explains, "I'm Sadie. Sadie Miller..."

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