Grom Part One: Former Friends

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Lilith looks at the body of the deceased professor killed a few days ago and comments, "yeah. Bile Bag ripped out of the chest. Bile Bag Killer strikes again."

"Madam," a guard next to her inquires, "shouldn't we focus on this Bile Bag Killer?"

Lilith shook her head, "no. Keep pressure on Eda and keep an eye out for the human. We must capture them that's our orders."

The guard nods and walks away as Lilith examine the corpse, thinking aloud, "the Bile Bag Killer always goes after younger targets. Why did they target you?..."

A young girl at Hexside walks down the halls, anxious for what is to come. She nervously runs her hands through her red hair as her pale eyes dart around nervously.

"You OK Boscha?" A voice asks.

The girl turns to see Willow. Boscha snaps back, "what do you care? You're just some weakling."

"I just thought I would ask," Willow shrugs, "you act high and mighty but you seem stressed since Amity left."

"You wouldn't understand," Boshca glares pushing Willow aside. "Weaklings never do..."

Meanwhile Eda preparers matching grey cloaks for her and Luz as Luz asks, "so where are we going again?"

"Oh well," Eda explains, "I suppose it's time to teach you the basics of magic. What spells do you know?"

"A basic fireball," Luz begins to list, "summon an arm of an abomination, I tried using bottle guard but I couldn't crack it, and... I can summon vines. I've learned a lot over the last few days, knowing what to look for now."

"Anything else?" Eda inquires.

"Oh yeah!" Luz exclaims, "I can do this!"

Luz summons a little ball of light via a sticky note.

"So basics from various schools good start," Eda explains, "I'm proud of you."

Luz feels a warmth in her heart, her soul. To hear Eda say she's proud of her fills a hole in her that she didn't even realize was there.

Luz recalls her mother for reasons she doesn't understand, for some reason comparing the two in her mind. While the reason would be obvious if she bothered to think it through she pushed it aside, believing a witch like Eda would never accept a human as a daughter.

"But you need to know defense," Eda explains, "so let's go over the basics of defense. Number one: you cannot win a fight if you're dead. It's better to avoid getting hit than risking it all to get in a blow. Number two: it's better to escape to win later when you're stronger than stay and risk getting yourself killed. Three: when in doubt, assume your opponent is fighting recklessly. Assume they will risk it all to land a blow. Better safe than sorry. Now, you need an example."

Eda puts her hood up and requests, the two now standing in front of the house, "attack me."

"What?" Luz demands, "why would I do that? I care about you!"

"I'm not gonna attack back!" Eda assures her. "But you need to see this stuff in action. You couldn't hurt me if you wanted to anyways! I'm more sturdy than I look!"

Luz hesitates for a moment before nodding in understanding. Eda smirks and crouches, taking an almost feral stance as she exclaims, "and number four. Which I almost forgot. Always strike with intent to kill!"

This catches Luz off guard, and she doesn't follow the advice. She doesn't want to hurt Eda! She doesn't want to hurt the person who's shown her only love and kindness and is more a mother to her than that stoner-

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