Rolling the Dice, Setting The Stage

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The jazz music echoes throughout the casino the sounds of glasses clincking fills the air. The sound of dice echoes throughout the casino, blackjack tables and roulette played through as the chatter, cheers, and woes of fortunate and misfortuneate gamblers echo throughout the halls.

Two teens and a dog sit at one roulette table, talking. The first teen is a young girl, healthy weight with pale green eyes and long brown hair. She wears a black cloak, as do the other two.

The second is a young man, tall and thin, his eyes full of joy and energy. He has shorter brown hair and brown eyes, but his attitude is what makes him shine, beaming with positivity.

Finally the dog, reddish fur with glasses and a golden earring in his left ear. He is the brains of the group clearly, watching the board and barking at the girl to place it all on 17.

"No more bets," the dealer declares as the ball spins around the wheel, the trio talking as it does.

"So I heard our old superintendent got iced," the girl explains, "killed by the Witch of Wrath is what most suspect."

"Can't say I'm shocked," the man replies, "Viney, what did we expect? She was gonna go after him sooner or later. He was killing students who got detention."

"That's true but Jerbo," Viney replies, "I've never heard of her killing. That part is just a rumor though, could be the Crimson Cannibal. They're still out and about."

"What do you think Barcus?" Jerbo inquires.

Barcus whines in response.

"That's true if she was gonna kill anyone it would be Mr. Blight," Viney replies, "why start with some random serial killer?"

"17," the dealer sighs bitterly, "you three win again."

The dealer sneers with malice, "and for the last time."

Two bulky men in suits surround the trio as the owner of the casino, a middle aged beefy man, greets them, "the dog. Hand it over."

"What do you want with some mutt?" Jerbo inquires, playing dumb but knowing exactly why.

"That dog is one of the Emperor's most wanted," the casino owner explains, "a powerful, covenless witch. An abomination against God."

The dog laughs like a hyena and barks.

"We aren't leaving you!" Viney protests, "you can't-"

The dog glares at the duo and growls, signalling them to run.

The security prepares to go after them but the owner orders, "no. The dog is our target. You've gotten quite the bounty on your head, Barcus, or should I say, number 6: Gambler of Greed!"

Number Six on the List: Barcus - Gambler of Greed.

The two guards charge Barcus, who ducks under their bottle guards with ease, biting one in the stomach and goring him, ripping out a chunk of flesh as he grabs a dagger attached to his back leg before leaping off the first and impaling the second. A non lethal blow, missing any organs, but enough to draw out a large pool of blood and bring to man to his knees in it.

The owner takes out a wand, which explodes from a magical overload in his hand, knocking him on his back. One could say Barcus got lucky...

That's no luck.

That's Barcus's signature ability.

Barcus downs a green fluid from a water bottle around his neck.

This is Barcus's power. Luck manipulation via his luck potions.

Barcus growls as the owner, dagger in mouth.

"I'll pay you your winnings just don't hurt me!" The owner begs.

Barcus growls, but nods, and the owner goes to get the dog his due, accepting defeat.

Meanwhile, at the Owl House, Amity looks at the list.

"So that's my next target," she mutters, "Barcus - Gambler of Greed..."

There's a knock on the door, Amity quickly hides the list and exclaims, "come in!"

Eda opens the door and greets Amity, "hey kid. We need to talk."

"What's wrong?" Amity inquires.

Eda takes out a wanted poster and explains, "this."

It's a poster of Amity, wanted spefically dead with a large reward for her corpse.

"What?" Amity demands looking at the poster, "what am I being charged with?"

"It doesn't list a crime," Eda explains, "kid, I think it's..."

Eda trials off and Amity understands. "So what do I do?"

"I need to plan," Eda sighs, "Amity... I can handle this but... I may need to take drastic action."

"I understand," Amity nods getting the implication that Eda intends to kill Mr. Blight, "But please don't. I wanna do it myself. Teach me to, Eda."

"What?" Eda demands, "do you understand what you're asking for Amity? To kill, it's a line you can't come back from crossing."

"Teach me," Amity grins madly, "so I can avenge my sister and brother. Mom, I need to do this. Teach me... to kill..."

Meanwhile Willow throws a notepad across her room in frustration, exclaiming, "I just can't get the runes right!"

Willow sits down and sighs, leaning against her door, "I just don't know what to do..."

"Hey hey," Boscha assures her, "easy. Look, I didn't wanna suggest this but I have two major leads. One: The Emperor has some magical relics, one of which allows the user to create any plant they can imagine. We could... swipe it. Who needs a bile bag when the relic does all the work?"

"What's the other idea?" Willow inquires, "not that the first idea is bad but it sounds extremely risky to say the least and I don't wanna get on the bad side of a tyrant who believes himself to be the harbinger of God and would kill us at the drop of a hat."

"Fair point," Boscha replies, "that's why I talked to some folks who deal illegal magical goods near the arena where Amity used to fight and I found... this."

Boscha reveals a book, identical to the book on Mewmen magic Eda has.

"There's magics that are drawn externally," Boscha explains, "from Mewni. You could always learn that."

Willow smiles, "sure? How do we begin?..."

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