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The battle I died in was not the final battle of the ring where my father got himself killed. He had time to reincarnate the queen of his orc army. He didn't care for me in anyway, beside training me on the ways of evil. When one is brought back to life by a dark lord one changes. My once sapphire eyes were now red like liquid blood. After Sauron was killed and the ring taken Lord Elrond of Rivendell searched through Mordor and found me, a burnt haired, red eyed, elvish looking girl in orc armor. A sad sight I must have been. He took me with him away from Mordor away from the evil I had always known and towards Rivendell...

We had skirted Lothlorien, the sun had began to set, and I had no idea where we were.

"Elrond," I asked "where are we?"

"Mirkwood, Shiva." He answered as though it was not an issue. I had told Elrond my name and nothing else. He knew by looking at my eyes I had been killed and brought back from the dead. So this was an issue, Elrond could not know who I was but Thranduil would most likely recognize me. Then the truth would come out and they would kill me, again.

"Elrond, I have..."

"Shh, we're being watched" The forest was still around us. Traveling with Elrond were six other elfs. They all listened. Slowly I turned around. Behind us were spiders, maybe ten spiders. The elfs backed up and braced themselves for the attack. I on the other hand stood facing them. The spiders recognizing me as their queen, didn't attack me but the elfs. They were about to spring when...

"Stop" I yelled. The spiders froze in their positions. "Go" I ordered and they sulky went back into the forest, embarrassed to have been yelled at by the queen.

"How... What?" Elrond questioned.

"You will know soon enough." I answered and yawned. He looked at me for a second in confusion before turning away. 

"We will rest for a few hours." Elrond announced and I lay on the ground great fully. Then darkness plagued me.

I was once again on the battlefield. My sword was at Thranduil's neck. I held back my mercy and killed him. I heard the elfs wails and songs of grief. Swords, blood, lightning; all flashed before my eyes. Then blackness darkness and a voice; "It was pity that stayed her hands, pity that makes her different than any other orc. You are different young one, and behind that is death". the voice boomed.

It was then that I woke screaming. Elrond looked at me as I composed myself. It was not the first dream like this where I had woke screaming. Elrond believed it was logical to have dreams like this after staying in Mordor. I knew differently, but he did not. I wondered how long these dreams would stay with me before the memories left me behind.


I pulled my cloak's hood further over my eyes as we entered the halls. The king sat on his throne, his son beside him.

"My Lord Elrond how pleasantly unexpected." He said, bowing. Elrond returned the gesture. "And your companions are.." He looked at the six elfs. They politely told him their names, then, much to my dismay looked to me. "And you are?"

"None lot your business." I hissed back

"Would if I told you I was a king."

"Would if I told you I was a queen."

"Would if I told you I was the king of the land where you stand."

"Would if I told you I was the queen of Mordor."


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