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One word GAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDALF! Yeah for the magical wizard yeah. I'm done, chapter Vertala write the chapter.

11 days till battle

Shiva POV

I woke up... in my room, which was weird. And then I remembered last night. What in the name of the Valor had I done to have such a good friend? I decided to dress nicer than normal today so I wore a red tunic that went down to my knees and and my usual black cloak. See nicer than normal by a slight amount. I tried to be quiet as I went down the stairs to the great hall. Thranduil was already there.

"Did you sleep well." I teased.

"No thanks to you." He answered but not sourly. "You look different."

"I figured I would try to make a good impression on the guests."

"Key word try."

"Well everyone is scared of me especially after that little magic show I put on the other day."

"So I've heard. There are rumors that you are some sort of whitch."

" That isn't far from the truth. "

"Very funny." I sat down at the table. It was just me and Thranduil not even any food. I guess we were the kind of friends who could just sit there. Probably because I grew up without any friends and Thranduil doesn't have friends, except me and Eladine in the past. Legolas's nurse brought him and he sat on my lap a habbit of his. After a while a gaurd came into the room.

"My Lord, my Lady they have arrived."

"They as in Lord Elrond and Mithrandire?"

"Shiva who else?" Thranduil said accusingly.

"Are we not expecting an orc army." The gaurd stifled a laugh.

"Thank you and come along Shiva."

"Yes sir." I stood picking up Legolas carrying him with us. "He can come right?"

"Yes." We followed the gaurd. "Your worried"

"He's a wizard I'm pretty much devil's spawn. That doesn't seem very promising now does it."

"You'll be fine." Thranduil took my hand and I let him hold it. Elrond stood at the gate with a gray cloaked man beside him. Thranduil and Elrond exchanged nods, usual for people of power. I wasn't sure if I was included in this. Queen of Mordor isn't exactly epual.

"My lady Shiva." Elrond addressed me.

"Shiva..." The wizard muttred. Legolas climbed out of my arms and hid behind my legs.

"I think he wants to know if Arwen is with you." I said.

"I regret to say that she went back to Rivendell." The wizard looked dazed and he opened his mouth to speak.

Gandalf POV (gasp)

Many thousands if years ago a woman came to me searching for aid for her newborn child. The woman was my sister Syndra. The child was named Shiva and she had great power about her. The power of a great magician and the power if a dark Lord. Foolishly and out of fear I turned her away only to find out a few years that she was dead and the child with Sauron. I regretted it for years and now she was before me grown and beautiful. I began to speak.

"Once apon a time there was a woman by the name if Syndra she had one child named Shiva. The last time I saw you Shiva you were too young to remember. This Syndra was my sister." Shiva took a step forward freeing her hand from the elven Kings.

"No I remember. The twinkle of a wizards eyes and my mother's voice. Uncle." The girl embraced me. I hugged her back feeling guilty.

"Child, you have changed." I held her at arms length.

"Well someone killed me."

"Sorry" King Thranduil said meekly.

"Shush, I've heard it. I was brought back to life by my father."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"I'm fine ish."

"Not for that. Once your mother came to me looking for help and I turned you away. Out if fear of you." I took my hands from her shoulders.

"I forgive you." Shiva said. "I would have turned me away too.

" I'm sorry. It took your murderer to save you. "

"No it took Elrond. This one tried to kill me a second time." I nodded. "Uncle would you tell me about my mother?"

Long chapter. I hope you guys like what I did with her relationship with Gandalf. Vote, comment tell me what you think. xD

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