Twenty Three

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Welcome to the last chapter of I am the Enemy *cue funeral music* Before we begin I would like thank some people. If you would not like to read thay then just skip past them to the words START OF CHAPTER .

* Tammyt70 you are the most fabulous person on this world. I thank you for being a most abid fan.:-)

*shadeslayer187 you are the most amazing editor, person, and friend I could have. * this is where I started to cry. so much for being strong and stuff.*

*Mushroom967 I thank you for being the most supporting sister I could have. TWINS RULE.

*List of names that need to be mentioned.
-Liv_Pace for reminding me to update she's the reason this book is finished.

-@Serenity_Oak-forever for adding my book to her amazing reading list

-Tammyt70's daughter who made up the ship name for this book. Shanduil is amazing.

-My 7th grade Social Studies teacher who gave me Shiva's name one day in class so I could start writing this book. (I was in seventh grade when this book started so sorry about spelling and grammar)

-And my non wattpad friends who let me rant about this for almost a year.

-@Fatemeh for posting an exenptionally motivational comment

I Apologize
That was extremely long and boring for most of you.


Shiva POV

White is a horrible color. That was my first thought when I woke up on my wedding day. So it's not a color but still... Arrenal and I had picked it out and when I had asked her is I could have a different color she laughed as though it was a joke. It wasn't meant to be because whenever I wore white it was instantly dirty. I got myself out of bed and used my fingers to brush my hair. This was going to be an odd wedding. No bride's maids, no father walking me down the isle, thousands of important eyes watching me, eyes of people I didn't know. And if course it was the Kings wedding. Arrenal banged into the room in her usual way.

"You're up!" She trilled gleefully. "Now we can get you ready!"

"I just got up are we truly spending all day getting me ready?" I asked. The idea of spending all day in one room was horrific even if the company was good.

"Of course. Now for something blue."


"Yes it's a tradition. You wear something old and something new and something borrowed and something blue for your wedding day." I reached in the vanity drawer and grabbed a blue hair ribbon. I quickly tied it around my ankle.

"Done." I said "We have my dress for new and.."

"Here." Arrenal said a set a worn box in front of me. I opened it and saw a set of hair combs. Each one was imbedded with black and white gem stones. "I wore them at my wedding. You can borrow them." Her smile was slightly saddened. Her husband had died in the last allience of men and elves. The same battle that killed Sauron.

"Thank you." I hugged her a bit. As for something old we settled on my old boots that would not be seen under my dress. Arrenal had me wash and then put me in the horribly colored dress. It didn't look as bad as I thought it would but it was the same shade as my pale skin and I looked, for time in my life, bright. I hated it. We had decided to use only one of the combs to put up half of my hair and keep the rest of it out. Arrenal was putting it in my hair when a knock came on the door. We both jumped and the comb went crashing to the floor. I scooped it up as Arrenal ushered me into s part if the to the cornor of the room where I couldn't be seen. The knocking continued until Arrenal opened the door a crack. To my surprise it was Thranduil. I couldn't see him but I could hear him talking to Arrenal.

"I know I'm not supposed to be here but I have something for Shiva. For the something old something blue tradition."He said and then was quiet for a second. " It's her mothers ring. I thought she might want to wear it." I smiled at his words. That was exactly what we needed.

"Thank You." Arrenal said, the smile in her voice apparent.

"Hello Shiva." Thranduil yelled.

"Hello" I yelled back "See you later." We weren't allowed to see each other until the wedding. It was an old elvish custom that I truly didn't care about but Thranduil had insisted. Arrenal shut the door and brought me the ring. I placed it on my left ring finger, smiling at it's familiar weight.

"Come, we have little time." Arrenal said and I sat back down in the chair.


A few hours later I was pushed down the stairs by my frantic servent towards the great hall. Gandalf awaited me at the door. Since my father couldn't be here, and who would want him to, Gandalf had offered to play his part in the ceremony. Arrenal delivered me to him, kissed me on the cheek, and disappeared.

"Are you ready?" A smiling Gandalf asked.

"To have hundreds of eyes on me? Why not." I answered.

"You have so much of your mother in you." The doors were opened and we walked into the bright hall. I blinked a few times in the light and then looked to where Elrond stood with Thranduil by his side. When we reached the half way point I touched my shoulder and the dress begain to turn dark red. This was my little surprise and I had been entertaining myself with it for the past few hours. I smirked at the startled faces of the crowd. We reached Elrond and Gandalf let go if my arm. I could see a well dressed Legolas holding a pillow with the rings on it behind Thranduil. He was bouncing on his feet adorably and I could only hope that the rings were not dropped. Thranduil grasped my hand tightly and we exchanged a nervous glance. I paid no attention to Eloronds words but searched for the ones that meant that we could finally stop being stared at and be married in peace.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said and Thranduil did. The room erupted into cheers that seemed extremely un-elf like and for one blink of an eye the word was perfect.

"And to think." I whispered to Thranduil "This all started in Mordor." I rolled the last word and smirked. Thranduil burst into laughter and I soon joined him because we were both thinking one thing; the only reason that we stood here was because Thranduil saw fit to kill me and I saw fit not to let him.

Heyyyyyy I want to thank everyone who has read this book. Whether you have been here since the beginning or you started reading after this was completed you have me a very happy person. Thanks for reading, Vote, comment. xD

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