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Battle, battle, battle, battle *dies of happiness*

I stood in front of of the Mirkwood army. Here goes another unrehearsed, off the top of my head speech I though.

" I am not going to lie to you and say that some of you are not going to die. But you must remember what you fight for and why. Your family your friends your people and for them you deserve to know why we fight these orcs. These orcs are from Mordor." The crowd gasped as I unintentionally rolled the end of the word Mordor. " But if we loose this battle the world is at stake. They will plunder Mirkwood and its surrounding areas and they won't stop there. Rivendell, the Shire all that gone. So fight for your, family, your people, and your world." I took a deep breath as I finished. I turned to Thranduil and grinned.
"Let's do this thing."


I rode behind Thranduil on his elk because I didn't trust horses. Luckily for me the second I dismounted I was attacked by a very familiar face. Aaron my warg lept on top of me with no mercy.

"Get off you..." Thranduil drew his sword and Aaron was in his feet growling and standing in front of me. " Thranduil meet Aaron. Aaron this is Thranduil he us our friend. I know I don't have friends but now I do alright."

"This is your warg then?" Thranduil asked.

"Yes and he better behave or I'll call him Erin for the rest of his life." Aaron cringed as I said his name wrong.

"You like your present Shiva? I thought if I am going to kill you it might as well be equal." A voice said in black speech from behind me. I turned.

"Xenox" (pronounced Ex-en-ox I should have said so earlier on I'll fix that) My words in black speech as well. "You ready to die." I drew my swords and nodded at Thranduil.

"Gwa" (elvish for together I think) he yelled and our army ran forward.

"You always have to have the first strike don't you." Xenox hissed still in black speech.

"And the last laugh."

"Let's see who's laughing when we're finished." We lunged at each other, exchanged blows equally. "Where did your ring go little girl. The only thing you had of your mommy." He chimmed.

"I gave it to someone. Someone who was a true friend."

'What did I do to not be one."

"I told you how much I hated him, Sauron, and you went and became one of his cronies because you wanted to because you felt like it. My only friend became friends with my enemy."

"Yes, I did didn't I."

"Prepare to die scum." I had hoped that Xenox would have realize his mistake and I wouldn't have to kill him but that wouldn't happen. In a final lunge forward my sword sunk into his chest and I turned my back on him. Never turn your back on an enemy was something I should have learned long before that from Thranduil at the very least but in my rage thought was forgotten. The arrow came from Xenix's bow as he died. It hit me in the back and I fell on my face before foolishly rolling over so it came through my chest. I rolled again onto my side and from the corner of my eye I saw Thranduil, blood on his face lean over me but then fall back from apparent bloodloss. I quickly followed into darkness.

(HORRAY now we do it again from Thranduil's POV)


As S hiva and I rode towards the appointed battle site I twisted the ring on my finger. Shiva had given it to me for being as shr said, a true friend. When we arrived Shiva quickly dismounted by jumping off the elk. No sooner had she landed though was she attacked by a large blackish gray warg leapt on her, knocking her over.

"Get off me you.." I drew my sword and the warg was instantly on its feet growling. It stood in front of Shiva almost it seemrd guarding her.

"Thranduil meet Aaron. Aaron this is Thranduil he is our friend. I know I don't have friends but now I do alright."

"This is your warg then?" I asked surprised but I guessed I should have been because she was raised in Mordor. I pictured her saying that last word and almost smiled.

"Yes, and he better behave or I'll call him Erin for the rest of his life." She said it to me but threatening looked at Aaron. I heard black speech from behind us. Turning I saw it was Xenox. Shiva answered him in the same language. Then she nodded at me.

"Together" I yelled in elvish and the army raced forward, I with them. I looked back to see Shiva already fighting Xenox without her usual gusto. I dismounted my elk in a very Shiva fashion and began to fight from the ground. The elk continued to race with the rest of the calvary. I'm a tall elf but these orcs were talker. I was used to fighting with a slightly taller partner as Shiva was at least two inches taller that me but this was madness. Two of those giants came towards me killed one and the other was shot by an arrow. I continued to fight my way through the battle. A large mace hit the side of my head and I went slightly dizzy but not enough to know that the orc army was retreating. Look around I caught the end of the battle between Shiva and Xenox. She apparentally killed the orc and tured away. The "dead" orc shot an arrow at her back and she fell on her front then rolled over. The arrow pushed through her chest. Then she moved to her side. I ran towards her probably looking like a drunkard as I was looseing consciences. I knelt next to her leaning over her to see if she was alive but then the conscience that I had been looseing became lost and the world went black.

3rd person

The elfes plowed their way through the orcs to the other side of the valley and began to cheer. Then the healers moved in healing all who could be and taking the away those who could not. But it was Elrond and Gandalf, who has been helping in the war effort, who found Shive and Thranduil. Aaron was curled around his master and his master's friend growling. Thranduil had his hand on Shiva's shoulder and his head on her upper arm. Shiva's black blood was spilled on everything around her. A few feet away from them was Xenox, dead. As they moved Thranduil towards a healing tent it was apparent that he was alive. Shiva on the other hand seemed dead but Gandalf and Elrond had never dealt with anyone like Shiva before so they took her with him anyway. The warg, Aaron, quickly recognized Gandalf as a relation to Shiva and let them pass to take his master and her friend to help, if any could be given.

Is Shiva dead? Is she not? Thank you for reading this chapter. The end of it was not exactly what I wanted but the battle is done. *celebrates by jumping in circles*. So tell me what you think of the battle. Was it big enough for you guys? Vote, Comment. xD

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