Twenty One

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I went to discover today and saw my book suggested for me. I find this extremely funny seeing as I wrote this book. Anyway I apologize for the cliff hanger and we'll see how this goes.

Shiva POV

"Thranduil I..." I closed my mouth, opened it again and closed it. Then I walked forward and hugged Thranduil.

"Thank you."I muttered.

"For what?" He asked.

"Nobody has ever said that before, said that they loved me." I pulled away from our hug, smirking.

"Your Welcome, I guess." Thranduil looked slightly confused.

"I think your going to have to do alot of guessing with me."

"Then your comeing home?"

"If that's what you think is best."

"Shiva I just told you I loved you. I think you would know what I want."

"Alright then I'm coming with you."

"Thank the Valor, it would have killed Legolas if you didn't come back with me."

"And we wouldn't want that would we." I raised my eyebrows still smirking. Thranduil shoik his head smiling.

"Get on the elk, Shiva."

"Can he hold us both?"

"He can hold me in full armor and my armor weights at least twice as much as me."

"Then I'm glad I don't wear armor." I said walking slowly towards the elk. It sent me a warning look and I backed up again.

"Are you scared of my elk?"

"No... Maybe"

"Shiva afraid of two things, the death of others and elks."

"It's not that I don't want to ride it. It just doesn't like me. No animals do." I was truly doing a terrible job defending myself.

"Sadly for you then humans, dwarves, hobbits, and elves are all animals." I took off down the path at his words running away from the sadly correct comment and towards my friends and my home. The home that up until now I too blind to see I had. With Thranduil, Legolas, and Arrenl.

Thranduil POV

As soon as we arrived back in Mirkwood,Shiva running and me riding still on my elk, we were attacked by a very worried Arrenal and a crying Legolas. He quickly attached himself to Shiva and would not let go for a few minutes before jumping, very much like a monkey, over to me. I could see where the nickname came from. Then Arrenal whisked Shiva away muttering something about stupidity. I stared after them smiling. Arrenal had been one of Eladine's most trusted friends and it made me happy to see her so happy.

"You brought Siva back." Legolas said gleefully.

"Yes I did." I said although not so certain I had. She was back and that's what I had wanted but she was still gone in her own way.

Shiva POV

It was after dinner and I was sitting in my room when a knock came on the door. Thinking that it was probably Arrenal I opened it. It was Thranduil.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello." He answered."Shiva earlier I told you how I felt about you. You thanked me, hugged me, but Shiva do you love me?"

"I don't know. I know you're an amazing person, you're my best friend, but I don't know what love is."

"Love is when you can't stop thinking about a person. When they make you laugh. When they make you feel something more than anyone else. When you can't let them go even when they are dead or supposedly so." I still didn't really understand. "Shiva, that day on the battlefield you died. I woke up in that tent and turned my head you were dead. You were still and cold. There is no denying it. You say you don't have a heartbeat but I know you have a heart. So I said my final goodbyes and prepared to go back to the way I was before. Cold, hard and unloving. I kissed you that day figuring you would never know." I smirked.

"So apparently I didn't imagine that part and yes I believe I was dead but I came back. I don't know why or how but I did" I said thoughtfully. "Before I came here I didn't know there was such a world out here but now I have at least four people I love in different ways. Arrenal as the only female friend I have, Legolas as well Legolas, Gandalf as the family I never had, and you as I have no idea. Thank You for letting me stay here and I don't plan on leaving any time soon." I said. My smirk turned into smile and I turned my back. Thranduil grasped my shoulder and turned me around.

"Good because I have no idea either." He said and kissed me.

HORRAY for sappy chapter. This book is almost complete my friends but don't worry there will be a sequel. Actually there may be multiple sequels because I love their characters too much. So about two more chapters and then I will probably cry. Vote, comment. xD

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