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Picture of Shiva's Mother

11 days till the last day before battle (because I can)

Thranduil POV

"So now the real question is what in the name if the Valor was my mother doing in Mordor." Shiva asked rolling Mordor in the way she knows I hate.

"Please..." I said but was cut off.

"Sorry, sorry. Old habits die hard."

"Well Shiva." Gandalf started. "She was a great magician but when she tried to join into the wizard council she was rejected. So in annoyance she joined our true Enemy and then you."

"Why though. Nobody could love Sauron and Sauron killed her." Shiva almost whispered and Shiva was never anywhere close to quiet.

"That is something we will never know." Then it hit me. Her parents probably never loved each other. Her father killed her mother without regret. My parents may be dead but at least they were around.

"Excuse me for a moment." Shiva said and left the room. I made a move to follow her, thought better of it and sat back down.

"Go on, she didn't say she wanted to be alone." Elrond say. So I ran out of the room after her.

Gandalf POV (again because I can)

After the elven King left after my niece I grew curious.

"How did Shiva get here and her eyes?" I asked Elrond.

"I brought her here and we'll her eyes are a side effect of coming back from the dead."

"I know that but who killed her and why?" So he told me all about Shiva and Thranduil's complicated history. "And now they're friends?" I asked when he finished.

"Yes, and close ones at that."

"Only friends?"

"For now." (You Foreshadowing Elrond you)

Thranduil POV

"Shiva would you stop disappearing" I said when I finally found her.

"Sorry, I'm not used to people worrying about me disappearing." She said. I found her in the spot where we had a our first real conversation.

"I'm sorry." I said meaning it with all my heart.


"Did you actually say thank you? I thought you would say some rude remark. I'm disappointed in you, Shiva."

"Oi, I'm not that mean. Most of the time."

"Key, most of the time." She laughed.

"Hey, do you want to fight." She asked pulling her double swords from the sheath on her back.

"You can't just hit the tree."



"I want to blow off steam."

"You mad."

"Yes, my mother went to Mordor because she was mad. On purpose." She still rolled the word Mordor and I winced.

"Yes, I know." I drew my sword.

"Ready when you are."

"Ready. Go." She came at me unafraid. Attacking me brutally and having me unarmed in only a few seconds. She clucked her tongue.

"Well king, you need some practice." She held one sword to my neck. She pushed it against it.

"Apparently so."

"This is when, a month ago, I would have killed you."

"See you've changed."

"For the better I hope. Now how about I train you."


"I'll take that as a yes. Again." She let me go and went back to her original stance. I sighed this was going to be a long eleven days.

1day until battle

I trained with Shiva every day until it took her about five minutes to defeat me instead of a few seconds. She deemed that time satisfactory.

"You ready for tomorrow." I asked after one last practice fight.

"Sure, I'm ready to most likely die." She said sarcastically but the grin in her face showed otherwise.

"You can't wait can you?"

"No, when you grow up in battle it becomes something of an obsession."

"And old habits die hard."

"Yes" she grinned.

"Tomorrow then?"


OK so three no four no five things.
1: For the battle I have decided to write it from Thranduil POV and then have the same part from Shiva's POV.

2: I plan to write a few chapters after the battle so the battle won't end the book.

3: This chapter is an early birthday present for my good friend Shadeslayer187. Who comes up with good ideas such as Gandalf's connection to Shiva and is this books editor. Happy Birthday!! *hands out cupcakes*

4: So you guys may or may not be waiting for more Shiva/ Thranduil moments. Wait til after the battle you shall see my master plan.

5: Thanks for reading this a/n that was really long and boring. Vote, Comment. xD

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