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Thranduil POV

"What is this?" Shiva asked holding out a green leaf on her fork.

"That's lettuce, Shiva. Truly what do they eat in Mordor? You don't know what mushrooms are or chicken, or now lettuce." I said.

"You don't want to know what they eat in Mordor." Shiva ate the lettuce carefully.

"I'm sure I don't. Now lets talk business."

"I know orcs they'll want to fight in a wide open place and I suggest we give it to them. I also suggest a valley, where bowmen can shoot from higher ground." Shiva said.

"But..." I started.

"I was the leader of the orc army for many years. I know there ways." Shiva's eyes flickered with annoyance. With me or the orcs I did not know.

"Fine, there is a small valley about twenty miles South of here. How will the orcs know to meet us there?"

"I still have control of the spiders so I'll give the note to them to give to the orcs."

"And this will work?"

"Sure whatever you say." I didn't know how to take that.

"So how long will we need to prepare for the battle?" I ignored the last comment.

"Three to four weeks, approximately."

"A month, 30 days, sounds good." I had no reason to object.

"All right I'll take the spiders the note."

"And you're sure this is going to work?"

"Like I said, whatever you say."

Shiva POV

I slipped through the trees of the outer edge of the Mirkwood forest, a letter in my hand. As I walked deeper into the densely packed trees I heard a noise behind me.

"Hello Shivva." A spider hissed.

"Hello spider. Do you know where the orc camp is?" I asked it.

"Yess Queen, I do."

"Will you take it to Xenox?" I held out the note.

"Yesss I will."

"This is very important, do you promise to get this to him?"

"I swear on Sauron's dead body to give this to Xenox. I'll give it to him as I tell him you're dead." The spider lunged at me followed by five others. The original spider snatched the note from my hand as I was pushed over by another. I drew my sword and stabbed at the second spider. I killed it just as a third jabbed it's pincers into the base of my throat. As my world faded away the first spider hissed.

"Don't worry I'll give Xenox the letter, young queen." The world went black.


I woke and the first thing I noticed was that I was alive. The second thing was that there was no sound. I was no longer in the forest. Then someone put a cool cloth on my neck. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a bed and the "room" around me had curtain walls. In this "room" there were two other people. Thranduil sat in a chair near one curtain and the other person, obviously a healer had her hand on my throat wound. She smiled at my open eyes.

"She's awake." The healer said to Thranduil then left the "room" through the curtain.

"I am going to kill you." Thranduil said looking at the curtain.

"I'm surprised that healer wasn't afraid of my eyes." I said.

"I told her before hand and don't change the subject! You said you had the spiders under your control."

"They were under my control two days ago and I never said it would work, I just said..."

"Whatever you say, I know."

"What do you care I'm just the girl in charge of Mordor who will most likely die in a few days time."

"I care because you're not just some random person who used to be evil. You've never been evil and I care because I'm your friend!"

"I've only had one friend and he betrayed me. I never been good at friends but I can try."

"And so can I, I've never been good at friends either. Just being a cold king."

"Then this is going to be interesting."

"Yes it will." Thranduil finally looked at me and smiled.

From now on there will be a number at the beginning of each chapter. That number is the number of days until the battle. Thanks for reading xD.

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