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18 days till battle

Shiva POV

We had trained for the rest of the day and surprisingly Thranduil joined us. It was the last shot of the day and the young elf had obviously never shot a bow before. Frustrated, I took it from him, nocked the arrow, and shot a bulls eye on the target fifty feet away. Not the longest shot I had ever done but the man watched amazed anyway.

"If you plan on surviving this was you had better learn to shoot like that in the next 17 days. So your turn." He aims at the target. "Stop, shoot something closer um how about my hand." I walk back a few meters and put put my hand. I raise my eyebrows expectantly.

"Shiva, stop." Thranduil said franticly.

"What?" I answer.

"Self harm never got you anywhere."

"Thranduil I'll train my army the way I want to." I dropped my hand and took a few steps forward, towards Thranduil. He meets me and I lean forward until our foreheads almost touch.

"All soldiers need to have a stomach for hurting others. Everything I do here has a purpose. Now shut up or I'll blow you to the sky."

"I'd love to see you try."

"You asked for it." I took my hand and channeling power, made Thranduil fly back a few feet. Then he floated in the air for a few seconds. I let him down, hard.

"You have magic."

"I would have thought my heritage implied it."

"Yes but... You could have made it a point."

"I'm the walking dead, I do what I will. Now shoot my hand." I retreated to my formor position. The elf shot, but because it was his first time his aim was off so much that  the arrow flew at my face. Calmly, I reached up and caught it as the tip made a small cut in my forehead.

"Practice." I said throwing the arrow like a knife at the target from before. I walked off into the woods after my show of power.

Thranduil POV

Shiva had surprised me. She has skill, I had known that. How else did she survive in Mordor. But catching the arrow, magic, and coming back from the dead was too much to just take in. It's like Hi I'm Shiva, your best friend, and oh by the way I can use magic and am some sort of ghost. See too much. So I followed her into the woods. It began to get dark but she had a good lead on me. After a few hours I found her sleeping against the tree she had been hitting when we has our first conversation. Shiva's head was still bleeding, which worried me slightly. I sat in the grass and watched her sleep. (Stalker, stalker Thranduil he he) Eventually she woke up screaming. I jumped to my feet.

"You alright" I asked.

'Fine, it's just a side effect of coming back from the dead. " she said resting her hand on the bridge of her nose.

"Are you some sort of ghost?" She snorted.

"No, I'm flesh and blood." Shiva wiped her head wound to prove her point. "My fathers magic just sort of jump started my life after someone killed me."


"Um hm, so what are you doing out here."

"Could ask you the same."

"I don't sleep in my room. The first night I was here my servant, heard me and went to get you I had to stop her. You need your beauty sleep." She said the last part sarcastically.

"Very funny, but I don't even know what's out  there so come back, and I don't really care if  Arrenal wakes me up."

"But... "

"Nothing, we don't need you to get yourself killed right now. I'll lock you in your room if I must."

"I'm do afraid" she said continuing her sarcasm but followed anyway.

A very nice Thraniva moment (if you gave a better ship name please help my very addled mind) I'm sorry for any difficulties on voteing and commenting on the second a/n just pretend it doesn't exist. I'm flattered that people want to vote on my book. ( special thanks to @Tammyt70 for bringing it up. You are fablouse like Thranduil, maybe even more) xD

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