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18 days till battle

Thranduil POV

It was about mid morning and after the night visit by orcs Shiva had gone out to train the army she had created. I was in my study trying to figure out how to get everything ready in time for the battle in under twenty days. There was a knock on the door and I looked up to see Lord Elrond push it open.

"You're putting your kingdom in great danger." He said getting right to the point. "Why?"

"Because if Mordor continues the way it is it will hurt us all." I answered.


"And Shiva is my friend." Elrond gave me a look.

"She's your friend?"

"Yes, I do have friends Elrond." I had one friend named Shiva, the pathetic life of a king.

"Just be careful Thranduil, not to insult her. She's dangerous as you know." Then The Lord left but his words brought me back to the reason Shiva was here in the first place. I had thought she was a murderer. I thought she was the one who killed my only other friend in the past. My wife Eladine. I thought of Eladine's last letter to me. Maybe she had been right maybe Shiva.... No no thinking never turned out well for me.

Shiva POV

The elfs were taking a break from training and I decided to go and find Thranduil and tell him about this morning's progress. I found him in his study.

"Goodmorning." I said after knocking.

"Morning " he said looking up.

"You sleep well." I joked

"No, you."

"No comment."

"So" Thranduil said seriously  "How have you been"

"Fine I guess trying to get over the fact that some of these men well elves are going to die and there's nothing I can do about it."

"It's a war Shiva, you've fought in enough to know that some will have to be sacrifice for the greater good."

"Orcs are different than elves, they are soulless. But with these elves I have seen them, seen them with their families. With the people who care about them and who they, in return care about."

"I know. I was too late to save my own father, almost too late to save myself and it still haunts me after all these years. I was too late, too late to save my father, too late to save him. I could have..."

"Don't regret anything in the past, but in the future remember them and use the knowledge next time."

"Next time my father dies."

"No next time someone you love is in peril." I left him to gather his thoughts on what I had said.

Thranduil POV

Shiva left the room and I sat there thinking over what she said. Someone you love, someone you love. Who do I love Legolas of course but who else Shiva I guess, I more than guess. I put my head in my hands thinking. What do I do? You have 18 days to ready yourself for a battle of the likes that have not been seen in a thousand years. Train with the other elves let them see that their king cares because Shiva is too strong to.

Sorry for a short one but at least I updated. All right in this chapter we got a good look at both our characters feelings. AND IT'S CHAPTER TEN SHNARGALARGMERF OK AND WE HAVE ALMOST 1,000 READS =-0 WHAT?! Thanks too you fabulous people. So I give this chapter to everyone who has read, voted, or commented. This is a traditional hobbit birthday custom that lines up with chapter ten and 997 reads. So thank you. Oh and I just love this song so that's why it's at the top because I felt like it.

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