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Thranduil POV

When we arrived back in Mirkwood it hit me that the battle was over. Everything we had been working for was done. I remembered what I had asked Shiva. What happens after we win this war? I had asked her and now that we had done it what would she do.

Two weeks after battle

Shiva POV

Over the past few weeks I had healed completely and decided what to do with my life. Now to tell everyone else and then pack...
Arrenal walked into the my room where I sit at a desk, thinking.

"Arrenal." I said and she looked at me. "I plan to go to Rivendell. I feel as though I will be welcomed there. I have no obligations to this place as much as I do love it I..."

"You don't need to explain yourself, Shiva. I understand. Now I just worry about you telling the king. He's a closer friend to you then I. You don't see it but having a friend has changed the king for the better. But go if you must, just know you will be greatly missed." She looked sadly at me.

"I hope to leave tomorrow."

"Why so soon?

" I worry if I don't leave soon, I won't be able to leave. "

"Then why leave."

"I don't belong here. Here there is light and Laughter and love. I am a dark person and I feed off those things. I don't belong here." (*face-Palms*)


I made my way down to leave lunch in the great hall. Thranduil is already there and I sat across from him but I didn't make a move to eat.

"What's wrong?" Thranduil asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow for Rivendell." I said quickly. He looked up, surprised.


"I just don't belong here."

"I's there any way to change your mind?"

"No" he smiled sadly.

"Well I'll miss you. We all will."

"And I you." (*dies*)

"So why don't you belong here?"

"This place is filled with light and I am filled with darkness."

"I for one disagree."

"I figured that." I took a breath "I guess I'll go pack then." I stood having eaten nothing. I began to walk away.

"Shiva." Thranduil called. I turn having a feeling of déjà vo. "When you were unconscious at the battle I saw the scars on your face. What are they from?" My magic must not be as strong as I thought. I never use magic much it, takes a lot of energy and I have few things to use it for."and if you say 'I did grow up in Mordor' I am going to kick you."

"Violence,Thranduil, never got anyone besides me anywhere. I was only 1,130 when I fought in my first real battle. The humans we were fighting took me captive and tortured me until I told them what they wanted to know. It was then I decided to work against Mordor. So yes I was raised in Mordor." I walked away laughing lightly and wondering if I had made the right choice to leave.

Thranduil POV
She was leaving me. She didn't think she belonged here so she was leaving likely never to return and there was nothing I could do about it, nothing.

Please don't kill me... Actually why don't you. It practically killed me to write this, hence the comments made through out this chapter. I'm sorry it was short and probably not the best. I had my first day of school today. Anyway thanks for reading, vote, comment. xD

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