The Bad Boy

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(Jackson's POV)

Cheers had erupted throughout the stadium!

"The winner is THE WASHINGTON WOLVES" shouted the guy who had the microphone. My team gathered in the middle of the pitch to celebrate our fabulous win of the season. I watched as the other team glared at us on distaste.

Me being my fabulously annoying self went and ran right up into their faces, rubbing the win in even more. I didn't care that i was only 5.0 foot and some of the guys in the other team were like 6.0 foot, i just wanted to have some good old fun, so i screamed in there faces.

"WE WON, WE WON, HAHA BEAT THAT" i screamed over and over again.

Probably not the best idea, one of the really buff guys came up and punched me right in the gut and it HURT! I launched myself at him and we started fighting, the people in my team trying to get me of him, and his team trying to get him of me. But that was all i remembered of that night.

It was now Monday and we had to go back to school.

"YO DUDE" i here from outside my apartment, that must be Andrew, he is my friend and hangs out with me at school.

"WHAT" i scream back

" HURRY UP WE NEED TO GET TO HELL" i hear my apartment door being slammed open, now going back to the categories most of the people in my school have gotten their classification done already, I'm turning 16 in a week and three days. YAY, (note the sarcasm). Andrew is a Dom and a real pain in the butt.

"COMING" i scream back seeing him lean against the frame of my bedroom door.

Once i was ready we hopped in his car and drove to school, being half and hour late a usual.

*Skip to lunch time*

I was absolutely exhausted, we had all boring lessons before lunch and more boring lessons after, i hate school.

After eating and going outside to have a quick smoke some scrawny kid came up to me and dared me to fight, i picked him up by the collar of his shirt and brought my face as close as i could to intimidate him.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" i growled at him.

"I dare you to fight me" and just as he says that I punch him in the gut, a LITTLE crowd started to form around us, some watching and some recording what was happening.

That is pretty much what happened the rest of the week, go to hell, smoke, beat some scrawny kid up and then smoke some more and finally trudge my way back home.

I walked into my apartment, chucked my stuff on the floor and jumped on my bed putting headphones in to listen to some rock music. I don't need to worry about someone calling me because I live by myself, I have for five years.

My mum and dad died in a car accident when i was 10 so i lived on the streets until i was 12.I'm now 15 and so far life has been good, i get to do what i want in my apartment.

I was slowly nodding off to sleep when a loud knock echoed around my apartment, i forced myself to get up and open the door.

"wha" I mumble pretty much falling asleep whilst standing. I look up to see it is Andrew.

"WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY" Andrew screamed while dragging me outside, i have decent clothes on so why not. However something in the back of my mind was telling me to not do it, i ignored that feeling and got in the car with Andrew.

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