Daddys Livid

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Jackson (POV)

I couldn't take it the laughter was to much, the pee on my legs was cold and started to become irritating and all i could do was stand there with tear rolling down my face a hand i my mouth trying to sooth myself and a hand still there trying to stop the non-existent stream.

I sat down on the floor, i didn't care. My legs were so shaky and all i wanted was my daddy know.

"Dadddy, i want my dadddy" i called out not caring who heard me at this point. I just wanted my daddy.

I didn't know what was happening i just heard a lot of shouting and i was really scared.

Zoe's ( POV)

I was half way through class when Sky burst into the room her eyes searching for mine. I walked to her to see her distressed face.

"Hey baby, what's up. Why are you not in class" i questioned her and she looked at me. I could clearly tell that she was shaken up by something but i didn't know what i needed her to tell me.

"Mummmy, it's Jackie. Heeee got in t..trouble and she hurt him m..mummy"

"Okay, go and get daddy and meet me back here we will sort this out, can you fo that for me angel?"

"Yes mummy"

She ran out the room and i apologised to my teacher telling her the problem and that i need to go. She completely understood and told me if there was anything that she could do to help she would. I thanked her and walked out the classroom

Ashtons (POV)

I was busy doing my work when Sky walked into the room explaining everything to me really quickly and dragging me out the classroom where we met mummy.

"Hey Zo, what's happening"

"Jackie hurt and we need to help him is the simplest way to put it"

After i heard that i started running down the corridors determined to go and help my baby as fast as i could.

When i banged the door open i took in the scene that i was witnessing. I started shouting at the teacher, i don't understand why she would do such a thing to such a vulnerable boy. My poor baby standing basically naked in the corner of the room, bum bright red with tears and snot falling down his face.

Zoe quickly ran over to him bringing him in to a tight hug, he started squirming around crying out for me and reaching over Zoe's shoulder.

Jackson's (POV)

The tears were blurring my eyes, i could see anything i just felt so uncomfortable and wanted anyone, someone who would comfort me.

I felt arms around me and soft whispers in my ear, it was mummy but i wanted daddy. I wanted his strong cuddles and a nice warm bath with him to make everything better.

"Jackie-bear listen to me love. You need to calm down baby or your going to make yourself sick."


A broken sob left his lips and his already blotched face turned even redder. She stopped hugging him for just a second to get the diaper bag from off my back. She opened it and got out another diaper and his stuffy-paci out of the bag.

"Here baby let's get you changed again and then you can go to daddy."

She lay me down on a towel and started to clean me up wrapping me up in a diaper and putting my paci in my mouth. I was still crying so my paci fell out my mouth.

"Offf, offfffff, hurtin'" i said grabbing at the diaper.

"What's hurting baby, what can i do to fix it"

" hurtin, hurtin."

"Baby I'll take it off just calm down. I didn't want you to have another accident that's all"

The diaper was taken off me and i was relieved my blistered behind wasn't rubbing against anything anymore. Mummy turned me around and gasped at my bottom. My arms quickly flew to cover it not wanted anyone to see.

Mummy moved my hands away and shouted over to Ashton.

"Ash, look at our poor baby. That must be so sore"

Ashtons (POV)

I turned around at the mention of my name i was absolutely fuming. Looking over where the other 3 in the room were standing. I seen my baby's behind and it looked so sore i rushed over to him and he clutched on to me.

I looked at Zoe and she took Sky to the dorm whilst i consoled my baby.

"Baby, daddy's here now. Why don't we put a diaper on you." I started to lay him down when he let out a shriek.

"Noooo, hurtinnn"

"Okay, okay baby shhhhhhh. Daddy's sorry and will make it all better."

I picked up Jackson and cradled him in my arm i wrapped the towel around him and put his paci back in his mouth, glaring at the teacher as i walked out.

As we walked down the corridor away from the dreaded classroom we got many stares as we walked passed. I glared at them all. Many people cooed at him and i have them a small smile but Jackie stayed hidden in my neck the whole time not wanting to face everyone.

He cuddled into me and refused to let go. We got to the dorm and i went to start a bath Zoe came up to me and took him from me starting to undress him to put him in the bath while i started to get undressed at the same time. I sat in the water and could hear the cries of my baby. He's really distressed at the moment.

Zoe walked in and sat him on me and his crying started to ease. He curled around me and he was suckling on his paci as Zoe gently poured water over his back and i was running my fingers through his hair.

"Baby your okay, mummy and daddy will make it all better"

He softly whimpered and shuffled around in my lap, he was clearly uncomfortable.

"Daddy, s....sore"

"I know baby, let me just was you hair and we'll get out. I promise"

I softly ran my divers through his hair massaging his scalp. I could feel his tense shoulders relax and he was slowly falling asleep.

I got out with him drying him off and getting him changed bringing him to our bedroom. Zoe and Skylar were already there cuddling i lay down and lay Jackson on top of me grabbing the bottle that was on the bedside table and feeding him the milk that was inside. Once he finished it i lay him down next me on his stomach and started stroking his back. Skylar leaned over and started raking her hands through his hair.

"Love you baby bro, always will."

With that said we all went to sleep and had a peaceful nice sleep with no interruptions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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