Accidents Happen

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It was the start of a new day and I was now living in Ashton and Zoe's dorm with them. I find it really weird and scary but I'm not a baby, I'm tough and strong and I'm a teenager almost and adult.

" Hey baby" i heard as i was being woken up from my sleep.

" nooo" i whined as i was untucked from my warm blankets and picked up.

" Yes baby, time to wake up we need to go to our classes" I had realised that it was Ashton and he was laying me down to change me.

He got me changed into my usual clothes that i wear for school just a different coloured shirt and we left to have breakfast. Again it was the usual routine of me not wanting to eat it and getting forced to then to my first class.

By the time break-time came i was exhausted and bored because I'm not a baby. Anyway we got to go outside to play in the playground and i just sat on the bench and swung my feet back and forth as they didn't touch the ground.

" Jackie are you not wanting to go and play" i heard from behind me and i just remembered that Ashton was on Break-time duty.

"NO" i shouted and pouted afterwards crossing my arms over my chest.

" Okay" I was picked up and my head got pushed into Ashtons neck.

" You are just tired aren't you baby" Ashton asked me as he sat on the bench and rubbed up and down my back.


"Shhhh, Shhh baby you have nap time next you can sleep then and you are my little baby boy"

Jackson just started to cry clearly being over tired. I went to the teacher that takes break time and told her that i need to take Jackson to his next class because he is overtired and needs to get to sleep as soon as possible.

" Okay, i hope he gets a nice rest"

I walked with Jackson to his next class and knocked on the door. Mr Kentucky opened the door and looked at me confused mainly because Jackson was fighting me to be put down.

" Ashton, what brings you here at the moment i don't have Jackson until next period"

"Hello Sir, is it okay if Jackson gets to nap know because he is overtired and if being grumpy."

"Yes that's fine, i don't have a class at the moment anyways"

"Thank you Sir, baby can you say thank you to Mr Kentucky"

" NO"

I gave Mr Kentucky a sorry look and walked over to where the cribs are and lay Jackson down on his back but he just stood up again.

" Baby lie down so you can got to sleep please" Ashton asked but ended up lying him down himself just for him to stand up again.

" Jackson lie down before you get a sore bum-bum and i call Mummy" Jackson just sat down and cried.

" Baby, Shhh" I gave him his pacifier and a blanket that i found on the floor and played with his hair until he fell asleep. I walked over to have a conversation with Mr Kentucky about me staying just in case he wakes up and he said Yes. So i stayed.

When i looked back at the time it was just before Period 5 and everyone except Jackson had woken up so i walked over to him and started to wake him.

" Baby, you have to wake up now you have a different class to go to but me and Mummy are in that class to" All Jackson did was whine and roll over onto his side.

" noooo" he whined but i just picked him up and put his head in the crook of my neck, he still had his pacifier in which i was happy about because it means that he is accepting it.

I walked with him to his next class and he had fallen back asleep with his blanket wrapped around him and his head in the crook of my neck with his pacifier bobbing up and down. I did however wake him up and take his pacifier and blanket away from him otherwise he would fall asleep again.

(Jackson's POV)

All i wanted to do was sleep but da-Ashton wasn't letting me, i could feel this growing pain down there because i really needed to pee but i wasn't peeing in this stupid diaper.

Ashton was in the next class with me and so is Zoe but i had to sit in his lap.

"A-Ashton can i g-go to the b-b-bathroom"  i whispered in his ear.

" Baby, just pee in your diaper it's fine" I just shook my head, I'm not doing that someone might hear, someone might find out. However because i was reluctant to Ashton started to press down there.

I squirmed on his lap and tried to push his hand away but he was to strong i started to cry but it wasn't worth it and i ended up peeing myself. I felt so disgusting.

" Good boy, you are my very good boy." Ashton whispers to me as the lesson finished up and we were off to lunch but instead of going to lunch we went to our dorm where Ashton changed me but i was still crying so we decided to eat lunch there instead of at the Lunch Hall.

After that i did the rest of my classes and went to my dorm and went to bed.

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