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(Zoe's POV)

I was awake and i looked at the clock and it read 2:30, i was questioning why i was awake at this time when i heard some faint crying coming from Jackson's room.

I got up and walked along the hall towards Jackson's room when i opened the door i seen my baby covered in sick and crying his eyes out.

" Ohh baby, your okay should we go for a nice bath, hmm. I think so I'll go wake up daddy"

" ASHTON" i shout from Jackson's room. I stood outside his door with the door open so that i could still see him if he needs me.

(Ashtons POV)

I was awoken by Zoe shouting on me she wasn't in the room so I'm guessing that she was with Jackson so i got up and walked out of the room to Jackson's.

"Everything Okay" i asked still half asleep

" Jackson had been sick everywhere and i need you to take him for a bath, not too warm because i think he might have a temperature."

"Okay You clean up his bed and he can come and sleep with us"

I walked into the room and Jackson was crying his eye out.

" Shh baby i said picking him up and undressing him completely and taking him to the bathroom"

"Cowd Cowd Daddy" he said scrambling to get closer to me. I felt his forehead and he was burning up.

We got to the bathroom and i started to run the bath when that was happening i got the thermometer out of the cupboard and turned it on.

"Jackie look at me, can you say 'ahh' so that i can check your temperature please"

I put it in his mouth and waited until it beeped and took it out reading 39•C.

" Thanks bubba, let's get you in the bath now" I lifted him up and took him to the bath and sat him in it keeping my hand on him so he doesn't fall.

He got goosebumps and was shivering.

"Daddy Cowd, wan ou" he said reaching up to me

"No bubba you are burning up" i said and poured the water over his hair and with a cool damp cloth started to wash his body. He whined because it was cold and started to move away from the cloth.

"Bubba stay still please" I asked him but he didn't want to and kept moving away.

"Okay i think that's bath time over then" i said and picked him up and wrapped him in a towel and he snuggled closer to me to try and get warmth even though he was burning.

I walked to his room and lay him down on the changing table, i got him changed into a short sleeved shirt and a diaper i decided to put shorts on him though.

"Nuuu daddy off" he said pulling at the shorts

"Do you not want shorts on bubba"


"Okay baby" i took the short off him and he was left in a t-shirt and a diaper.

"Let's go to bed now" I picked him up and went back to bed with Jackson we all snuggled together and slept for the rest of the night.

In the morning one of us had to go to classes and the other one had to stay with Jackson. Zoe and I agreed that I would go to classes and she would stay home with Jackson and phone our mum so that she can update his teachers to say that Jackson isn't coming to classes today.

It was 8:00 and i had left to got to first period having had breakfast in the dorm. Although Jackson didn't want me to leave. He ran to the door and stood there blocking my way but i picked him up to hand him to Zoe but he just clung to me.

Zoe came and took him and he started sobbing and Zoe walked into the living room with him and i left the dorm.

(Zoe's POV)

I took Jackson from Ashton and and went to sit on the couch with him. I rocked him back and forth whilst taking the cap off the milk that Ashton had made just before he left.

"Here baby, you want you milkie" He reached up and grabbed the edge of the bottle as i guided it to his mouth and he started to drink it while watching Mickey Mouse on the TV.

"Good Boy you finished all of your milk" i rubbed his tummy in circles to sooth it and we sat for a couple hours to watch the TV.

It was now lunch time and we had Ashton bring us some food from the cafeteria.

"Hey Guys, i brought food" i heard Ashton shout from the door.

"DADDY" Jackson screamed trying to get to him but i picked him up and walked into the hall.

"Hey Jackie let's go sit down at the table alright whilst i get the food on plates.


(Ashtons POV)

Jackson and Zoe walk over to the table and Jackson gets put in his highchair.

"Nwo Nwo Ou wan Ou"

"Daddy wan ou"

"Jackson be a big boy you can sit by yourself, mommy will feed you though"

Jackson started crying all of his emotions were piled up on his shoulders and the fact that he is sick doesn't help.

"Oh baby, shhh shhh your okay. I know this is all just to much. My poor boy"

"Daddy" I said and reached my arms up to him, doing grabby hands

"Shhh, Shhh i know bub, why don't you go for a nap and you can have your lunch a bit later"

Ashton walks with Jackson to his room where he lays Jackson do for a nap.


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